Splash Spring 2021
Course Catalog
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Arts and Humanities
A4339: Splash into Prison Abolition
Difficulty: **
Abby Steckel,
Natalie Troy
Abolishing prisons and defunding police have both been on the news a lot recently. Think these ideas might be a little too radical for you? Just want to learn more? Take this class for a brief introduction for some of the key arguments behind abolishing prisons. We'll consider the works of thinkers like Angela Davis, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Mariame Kaba, and more.
A4347: Dante's Inferno: A Journey Through Hell
Difficulty: **
Bryan Mendoza
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here," These are the infamous words emblazoned on the gates of Hell as written by the medieval poet Dante Alighieri. Join me on a lively adventure through hell and find out why we still read his Inferno 700 years later. On the way we will discuss the literary device of Contra Passo—ironic punishment—among other hellish things!
A4349: History of Electronic Music
Difficulty: **
Andre Faria
Since its roots in the 1970s, electronic music has matured and changed, shifting through communities and borrowing from cultures around the world. Take a dive into electronic music's rich and fascinating history. In this class, we will be listening to and discussing electronic music by the decade from 1970 to today. Bring your headphones!
A4351: Latin Lives (Intro to Latin) Full!
Difficulty: *
Wren Wolterbeek
Did you know that about 80% of English words are borrowed from Latin? If you've ever wondered why someone would want to learn a "dead" language then this class is for you! We will learn basic Latin phrases and sayings and also discuss the enduring importance of classical languages in the modern world. No prior knowledge of Latin is needed. Carpe diem!
A4355: Introduction to Philosophy Full!
Difficulty: **
Alex Dong
What role do our senses play in our perception of the world? Can we be certain that there is a world at all? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Should we be afraid of death? In this course, we will develop a foundation of the philosophical style of inquiry and explore the philosophical insights of various ancient and modern philosophers.
A4359: 270 to Win! : The Electoral College
Difficulty: **
Marcos Barrios
This will be an interactive overview of the Electoral College, the system in which we select our President! We will be discussing how it works, why the founders chose it, and the arguments for and against it in modern times. To do this, we will be playing "270", a Presidential Election simulator game that is great for teaching about the Electoral college and campaigning in general! With the 2020 election around the corner, come find out how we REALLY pick the President!
A4360: Ethics and the Future Full!
Difficulty: **
Eui Young Kim
We all agree that the long-term future matters to some extent. But how much does it matter compared to the present? Is it bad if humanity goes extinct sooner rather than later? If so, what are the moral and practical implications? This is an introductory course to the philosophy of "longtermism."
A4361: An Artist's World: Introduction to Color Theory Full!
Difficulty: **
Amy Smith
There’s a lot more to color than what we learned in kindergarten! In this class we will go beyond the basics of the rainbow and learn how professional artists and animators apply color theory to their creations.
Using “Frozen” and “The Incredibles” as our practical examples, we’ll see how they use color in ways both large and small to capture the audience’s attention, provide continuity, shape our mood, and give us unconscious cues to push or pull on our emotions.
We’ll provide an introduction to the worlds of primary, secondary, and tertiary color schemes. We will cover such topics as complementary colors, the meaning of technical terms such as "hue" and "saturation," the many uses of the color wheel, and more!
Whether you want to become an animator or artist, or just appreciate movies, anime, and graphic novels, one thing is certain - you’ll never again see the world in black and white!
Using “Frozen” and “The Incredibles” as our practical examples, we’ll see how they use color in ways both large and small to capture the audience’s attention, provide continuity, shape our mood, and give us unconscious cues to push or pull on our emotions.
We’ll provide an introduction to the worlds of primary, secondary, and tertiary color schemes. We will cover such topics as complementary colors, the meaning of technical terms such as "hue" and "saturation," the many uses of the color wheel, and more!
Whether you want to become an animator or artist, or just appreciate movies, anime, and graphic novels, one thing is certain - you’ll never again see the world in black and white!
A4362: Syrian Refugee Crisis Full!
Difficulty: *
This course will follow the Syrian refugee crisis from the Arab Spring to today. We'll be talking about the heart of the problem, the impact it has on people, and what there is to be done about it.
A4363: We Live in a Society: Political Philosophy 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Ruhi Khan,
Wren Wolterbeek
Have you ever felt lost in history class hearing about all of those influential thinkers? If so, this class is for you! In this class we will cover political philosophers such as: Aristotle, Plato, Machiavelli, Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau and explore how they approached human nature and society. No prior knowledge of these philosophers is expected, come willing to learn and discuss!
A4364: Writing from the Margins
Difficulty: *
In this writing workshop, we will examine works of poetry and spoken word performances by writers of color. We will then do some writing of our own—poetry, prose, spoken word, and genre-defying works—and exchange feedback. This workshop is open to students of all backgrounds!
A4366: Intersex Activism
Difficulty: ***
Kathryn Kozey
In this two-part lesson, students will learn a brief overview of the history of eugenics and how to be an intersex activist. While participating, students will participate in group discussions and watching engages videos. Students will ultimately learn how the desire "to fix" intersex stems from this fraught and lengthy history of discrimination. Most importantly, they will learn Intersexuality is normal and how to be an Intersex Ally!
A4371: Writing It Down: Early Books from Around the World Full!
Difficulty: **
Kristen Herdman
Curious what a book from 1470 looks like? What about a sutra scroll from the ninth century? How do books early books from Ethiopia differ from those from Mesoamerica? This course aims to provide an introduction to global book history, focusing on the many diverse ways in which books were created, shared, stored, and treasured in cultures around the world. Making use of extensive digital resources provided by libraries and museums, students will have a change to view and discuss the many different ways in which people have recorded their thoughts, religious teachings, scientific findings, and business transactions.
A4374: Introduction to Polyphonic Music
Difficulty: ***
Daniel Konstantinovsky
This class will provide an overview of polyphony or counterpoint, which is the art of combining two or more melodies together in a way that is interesting and harmonious. I will go over the fundamentals of counterpoint, cover the various forms (rounds, canons, fugues), and analyze some famous examples from classical music. Polyphony is the most emotionally overwhelming musical texture, and the more the listener understands the inner workings of counterpoint, the more powerful contrapuntal works will sound to them. This introduction will give students the tools to learn more about polyphony and music theory in general on their own, and will hopefully make them deeper and more perceptive listeners.
ability to read music (knowing the names of the notes, the meaning of sharps and flats, ability to read at least treble and bass clef), an interest in music theory and/or composition
ability to read music (knowing the names of the notes, the meaning of sharps and flats, ability to read at least treble and bass clef), an interest in music theory and/or composition
A4376: How to Make Another World: Fictional Universes in Creative Writing Full!
Difficulty: **
Valerie Pavilonis
Lord of the Rings, the Marvel Universe, Star Wars, all of these franchises have one thing in common: they're all set in fantastical universes. And in this class, we're going to work on developing our own universes, and folding these worlds into our writing. Like to write creatively? Never written creatively? Somewhere in the middle and want to make your own world? No problem. In this class, we'll do some exercises to jump-start your creativity and take you from this planet to another one, this time to another one, or maybe even from this universe to another one. No matter where your thoughts take you, at the end of this class, you'll be somewhere else
A4378: Rethinking Poetry
Difficulty: *
Kennedy Nduati
Poetry is fun!
Contrary to popular belief, it is less about rhythm and rhyme, and more about discovering and expressing truths and happiness.
In this class, we shall examine how you can live your truth through poetic expression and how one can channel happiness through reading and writing poems. We shall watch and discuss a wonderful TED talk about spoken word poetry, read and discuss a couple of wonderful poems and finally, write some beautiful poems ourselves!
Not to worry, you don't need to love poetry or know how to write poetry. Come, let's learn together!
Contrary to popular belief, it is less about rhythm and rhyme, and more about discovering and expressing truths and happiness.
In this class, we shall examine how you can live your truth through poetic expression and how one can channel happiness through reading and writing poems. We shall watch and discuss a wonderful TED talk about spoken word poetry, read and discuss a couple of wonderful poems and finally, write some beautiful poems ourselves!
Not to worry, you don't need to love poetry or know how to write poetry. Come, let's learn together!
A4379: Causality, Consequence, and the Everyday Application of History
Difficulty: *
Joseph Murphy
I intend to teach a course with very specific examples meant to highlight how the decisions and actions of past people continue to influence our lives, and how thinking like a historian can inform our lives today about how we became who we are.
Examples will include subjects like WW2, WW1, Estonian History, and the Gunpowder Plot. The goal will be to expose students to both common and niche historical episodes to reveal how small decisions affected entire societies.
Any history course ever
Examples will include subjects like WW2, WW1, Estonian History, and the Gunpowder Plot. The goal will be to expose students to both common and niche historical episodes to reveal how small decisions affected entire societies.
Any history course ever
A4386: The life you can save
Difficulty: **
Hugo Havranek
Any time you -- or your parents -- spend money on new clothes, video games, an ice cream.... are you doing something morally wrong? You don't need that ice cream. But there are many other people in the world who do need things: mosquito nets, medication, vitamin supplements. Does that make it wrong for us to spend our money on luxury items instead?
A4390: The Ancient Empires We Don't Talk About Full!
Difficulty: *
Hannah Neves
We've all learned about the Romans and the Macedonians, and the vast empires they created. But have you stopped think about the Achaemenids, who controlled an empire larger than the world had ever seen? Or the Parthians, who stood toe-to-toe with the Roman Empire for centuries? Many times, these amazing empires and their rulers only make the briefest of appearances in our History books. In this class, we'll learn about these amazing Empires and how they impacted the Ancient World.
A4394: Play By The Hour Full!
Difficulty: **
Jacob Cramer,
Laurel Humphreys
Join Yale Children's Theater actors Jacob and Laurel for this One-Hour Playwriting Workshop! Can we build out characters and a story arc in under an hour?
The clock is ticking... we'll find out!
None! We welcome actors, writers, and those who have no experience at all!
The clock is ticking... we'll find out!
None! We welcome actors, writers, and those who have no experience at all!
A4401: How to Write a Novel (By starting with a sentence)
Difficulty: **
Nancy Xu
We all know that there's a difference between "Bill said he loves me," "Bill *said*, 'I love you.'" and "Bill said, '...I love you?'" In the context of a larger piece, these single sentences can make the difference between a charming love scene, a heart-prickling mystery, or a devastating ending -- perhaps all in the same turbulent story.
This class is about the story within sentences. You will re-discover the rules of wordage as tools for you, the storyteller. We will begin with the basic elements of storytelling -- plot, characters, setting, conflict -- and build inward. By the end of this class, you will come away with several paragraphs of beautifully written, story-rich prose, no matter where you are in your journey as a writer.
This class is about the story within sentences. You will re-discover the rules of wordage as tools for you, the storyteller. We will begin with the basic elements of storytelling -- plot, characters, setting, conflict -- and build inward. By the end of this class, you will come away with several paragraphs of beautifully written, story-rich prose, no matter where you are in your journey as a writer.
A4405: A Polarized Nation: America’s Shift to the Far-Left and Far-Right Full!
Difficulty: **
Viktor Kagan
The United States political atmosphere has become extremely hostile, with bipartisanship and work between Republicans and Democrats happening less and less. This course will dive into basic ideas about how the two parties have become more polarized and will include a discussion on what may happen next. We will focus on some key figures, including but not limited to Senator Bernie Sanders, Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, former President Donald Trump, and other notable political figures in recent politics.
A4406: Revolution Versus Reform
Difficulty: **
Howdy y'all! In this class, we'll take a look at the longstanding conflict between revolution and reform. Using both historical examples and real-world issues that are happening right now, we will learn more about tactics surrounding revolution and reform and connect this to colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism. This class will include a presentation, some interactive activities, and opportunities to discuss and ask questions!
A4407: DIY Friendship Bracelets
Difficulty: *
Julia Wang
Learn how to many your own friendship bracelets! We will go over different types of knots and how to read bracelet making patterns for exciting and fun bracelet designs. All levels welcome.
Must have your own friendship bracelet thread!
Must have your own friendship bracelet thread!
A4409: A "Splash" into the Jordan River: The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Difficulty: **
Allen Ryu,
Adam Zhang
You've probably heard of Christianity - it's one of the major world religions, has over 1 billion followers, and it is told through a book called the Bible. But what really is at the heart of Christianity? Why does it have such a widespread influence around the globe? Why have people laid down their lives for this religion? In this class, we will aim to answer these important questions by examining the life, death, and resurrection of the person of Jesus Christ. No prior exposure to religion and/or Christianity is needed - all are welcome!
A4410: Intro to German
Difficulty: *
Sean Tomlinson
Hallo! Are you tired of staring dumb at your German friends, without a word to utter? Well this is the class for you! Learn the very basics of German conversation with a class of dedicated students! You can learn greetings, how to count, how to profess your love!
A4412: Art of the Short Story: Heroes
Difficulty: **
Sarah Guan,
Samantha Larkin
Be your own hero! In this class, students will be taught the fundamentals of writing short pieces of prose centered around a hero. In particular, they will be taught how to envision themselves as heroes - will they be a prince charming? A villain turned hero? An everyday hero? The possibilities are endless!
A4393: The Problem of Irony: Reading David Foster Wallace
Difficulty: *
Edgar Wang
In this lecture, I'll attempt to convince you that we urgently need to read David Foster Wallace in our age of isolation, mass entertainment, and phone addiction - problems he diagnosed acutely in the 90s. His style - sprawling, self-referential, heady, and engaging - influenced bloggers and novelists. His investigations on irony and sincerity, media and communication, addiction, and mental health are all the more relevant today.
David Foster Wallace is a very controversial writer. He's been lauded as the voice of a generation by critics from the NYT. He's also been condemned as a literary poser. Lately, he was embroiled in the #metoo movement. We'll see how to maintain a safe critical distance between ourselves as readers, the author, his work, and our outsized idolatry of genius.
David Foster Wallace is a very controversial writer. He's been lauded as the voice of a generation by critics from the NYT. He's also been condemned as a literary poser. Lately, he was embroiled in the #metoo movement. We'll see how to maintain a safe critical distance between ourselves as readers, the author, his work, and our outsized idolatry of genius.
E4357: Introduction to Nanotechnology
Difficulty: **
Deepa Subramanian
Provides a basic intro to nanotechnology
Introduction to chemistry is a core requirement
Introduction to chemistry is a core requirement
E4400: Origami Engineering: Cutting-Edge Innovations Full!
Difficulty: **
Neera Raychaudhuri
You read that right. You know the Japanese art of paper folding? Turns out it has an extraordinary amount of engineering applications! This course will introduce different ways origami is being used in modern technology, from medical devices to robots to satellites.
Math & Computer Science
M4340: Math: Basics of Algebra 1 Full!
Difficulty: **
Tammy Chung
This class goes over the basics of algebra 1, from factoring to completing the square!
A solid foundation of prealgebra!
A solid foundation of prealgebra!
M4342: Building Your Own Game From Scratch Full!
Difficulty: **
Charlie Liu
Want to create your own video game? Join us to learn how to code with Scratch! No prior experience needed.
M4373: Math in Real Life: An Introduction to Probability and Statistics Full!
Difficulty: **
Jacob Harrison
An introduction to various interesting, real-life applicable probability and statistics concepts and questions.
M4375: Modular Origami: Making a Cube Full!
Difficulty: *
Cody Uman
Origami is typically about folding one piece of paper to make a cool shape. In modular origami, we fold multiple pieces of paper to make mathematical structures. Some pretty (but complicated) examples can be found here: https://www.polypompholyx.com/2017/01/modularorigami/. In this class, you'll learn how to make a simple origami cube.
M4382: Recipes for Making Pi
Difficulty: **
Donovan Kreul
What's $$\pi$$ anyway, besides a funny-looking squiggle? What does anybody really use it for? And how do we figure out its value, 3.1415...? Join us to find out!
All you need to know is that the area of a circle is $$A = \pi r^2$$.
All you need to know is that the area of a circle is $$A = \pi r^2$$.
M4383: "What Was That Call?!": An Intro to Sports Analytics Full!
Difficulty: **
Danush Chelladurai
Have you ever seen a call made by a sports coach or player so bad that you say, "c'mon even I could do better than that!"? Well, with a little bit of preparation and some new knowledge, you could!
In this course, we will learn about basic techniques and methods used in sports analytics, one of the fastest growing parts of professional sports today. Join us to learn about when to go for it on fourth down, whether you should shoot an elbow jumper or a corner three, who you should pick in March Madness, and many other topics!
Basic sports knowledge and enthusiasm!
In this course, we will learn about basic techniques and methods used in sports analytics, one of the fastest growing parts of professional sports today. Join us to learn about when to go for it on fourth down, whether you should shoot an elbow jumper or a corner three, who you should pick in March Madness, and many other topics!
Basic sports knowledge and enthusiasm!
M4399: Fractals!
Difficulty: ***
Matt King
In geometry class, shapes are smooth, well-defined, and not very realistic. If you've ever looked at a waterfall or a tree or a mountain, you'll know that the real world is exotic, rough, and deeply complex. Nature speaks in fractals, these rough shapes that define our world. We will begin by discussing what dimension is and what it has to do with fractals, building up our toolkit by looking at wildly different examples found throughout nature and mathematics. We will then explore how you can create algorithms to measure fractals and introduce the infinite weirdness of the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets.
It helps, but is not necessary, to have seen complex numbers or concepts of calculus before.
It helps, but is not necessary, to have seen complex numbers or concepts of calculus before.
M4411: Intro to Computer Programming Full!
Difficulty: **
Giovanni Rivas
Want to learn the basics of what it means to "code"? Want to be able to code your own small program? Join us as we learn about coding and create our own programs together!
M4392: Doing Calculus the Right Way
Difficulty: ***
Edgar Wang
Have you ever thought: "what's the deal with Calculus?" Why does anyone care about limits? Why do we need polar coordinates to do anything?
The answer to all this lies in some basic physics. We'll look at the motion of bikes, walk a few dogs, do some illegal geometry, and calculate hard integrals with pictures to understand the heart of calculus.
You'll leave this class with an understanding of the visual aspects of calculus, and plenty of fun theorems with which to annoy your friends and teachers.
Calc AB and/or BC preferred, but not required. Likewise, familiarity with basic Physics (F=ma, notion of velocity, etc.) is recommended.
The answer to all this lies in some basic physics. We'll look at the motion of bikes, walk a few dogs, do some illegal geometry, and calculate hard integrals with pictures to understand the heart of calculus.
You'll leave this class with an understanding of the visual aspects of calculus, and plenty of fun theorems with which to annoy your friends and teachers.
Calc AB and/or BC preferred, but not required. Likewise, familiarity with basic Physics (F=ma, notion of velocity, etc.) is recommended.
S4337: The Science of Sleep Full!
Difficulty: **
Madison Sirota
In this course, you'll learn some pretty fascinating information about a topic we yet to know much about: sleep. Why and how we sleep will be our main focus of the class, with some interesting sleep disorders sprinkled in. We'll also watch videos and do some fun interactive activities!
S4341: Psychology and the Good Life: How to Live the Happiest Life Possible Full!
Difficulty: **
Landon Allen
Modeled off the most popular class in Yale history, this class will explore how to use psychology to live the happiest life possible. We will discover what we can actually do to live our happiest lives.
Student Reviews:
"Thank you for such an awesome and impactful class! It has definitely increased my happiness/well-being:)"
"This class by FAR was my favorite class and it definitely had a HUGE impact on me. Inspirational."
Be ready to actively participate!
Student Reviews:
"Thank you for such an awesome and impactful class! It has definitely increased my happiness/well-being:)"
"This class by FAR was my favorite class and it definitely had a HUGE impact on me. Inspirational."
Be ready to actively participate!
S4343: Introduction to Stellar Astronomy
Difficulty: **
Jay Marie Baptista,
Sally Jiang
There are millions of stars in our galaxy and beyond. The job of astronomers is to understand the nature of these brilliant spheres of hydrogen. We explore the birth of stars, their evolution, and spectacular deaths. How do we classify stars? What is an HR diagram? What are the different types of supernovae? How are stars used in modern astronomical research? We explore these topics and more in this introductory crash course into stellar astronomy.
An strong interest in natural sciences or astronomy in general is always welcome!
An strong interest in natural sciences or astronomy in general is always welcome!
S4344: Basic Chemistry
Difficulty: ***
Hayden Jensen
We will go over very basic chemistry concepts over the course of the our. This may consist of naming compounds, compound diagrams, dimensional analysis, etc. based on class’s knowledge level.
S4350: How to Find Love in 60 Minutes
Difficulty: **
Andre Faria
This course will explore the psychology of attraction, asking questions like, "What makes people attractive?", "How do we feel love?", "What determines sexual orientation?", etc. We will look through recent research in social psychology which have helped to uncover the root of attraction. But don't worry, I won't bog you down with too much psychology; there will be plenty of demonstrations and class interactions. The goal of this class to have fun while learning about a part of psychology that is relevant to all of us--love, sex, and attraction.
S4352: An introduction to Virology
Difficulty: **
Jack Collora
What is a virus? Sure they make you sick, but what makes them different than other germs? This class will give a brief overview of what viruses are, how scientists learn about viruses, and how viruses impact society as a whole.
Topics covered:
-Definition of a Virus in opposition to other life
-Viral interactions with the immune system
-Viruses in the news: SARS-CoV2
-Viruses as cures: Phage and Gene Therapy
Topics covered:
-Definition of a Virus in opposition to other life
-Viral interactions with the immune system
-Viruses in the news: SARS-CoV2
-Viruses as cures: Phage and Gene Therapy
S4365: Physics in Our Everyday Lives
Difficulty: **
Hannahmariam Mekbib
Everything around us can be studied, quantified, theorized and understood. Physics is a branch of natural science that studies nature! This one-hour class will explore what physics is and how it's intertwined with our daily lives in ways you may not expect. From electricity to X-rays this class will discuss the amazing application of physics in our daily lives. By exploring major discoveries that led to the present age, this class will open up your eyes to the amazing and fascinating world of physics.
S4369: The Archaeology of Food
Difficulty: **
Jacob Kalodner
This course will investigate the food and drink consumed by our ancestors, and the methods that archaeologists can use to determine what was being eaten!
S4370: The Archaeology of Music
Difficulty: **
Jacob Kalodner
Where does music come from? Who first started playing it? What did it sound like? This course will investigate the evidence for music creation over the past few hundreds of thousands of years!
S4372: COVID Vaccines: from Cellular Immune Responses to Herd Immunity
Difficulty: ***
Holly Steach
We will dive into what happens when you first get a vaccine for the novel SARS-COV2 Coronavirus. We will address questions like: What is an antigen? How does your body recognize that it is something to generate an immune response to, and how does that immune response protect you in the long-term? Why do we get side effects, and how does immunity from a vaccine compare to immunity after infection? We will also discuss how these processes within our bodies generate immunity at the population level, and how vaccination allows us to protect ourselves as a community.
Basic understanding of biology (what is a cell, how do cells transmit information from DNA to RNA to protein, how do different kinds of proteins carry out different tasks in a cell). Any basic knowledge of immunity/infectious disease is great but not required.
Basic understanding of biology (what is a cell, how do cells transmit information from DNA to RNA to protein, how do different kinds of proteins carry out different tasks in a cell). Any basic knowledge of immunity/infectious disease is great but not required.
S4380: Binding Energy: E=mc^2, and Why
Difficulty: ***
Eitan Minsky-Fenick
I'm sure you've all heard of Einstein's famous $$E=mc^2$$. What you might not know is why it's true, what it applies to, and the many ways we can use it. In this class we'll talk about nuclear fission as well as chemistry and planetary orbits, all through the concept that motion leads to tiny discrepancies in mass. We can even calculate the energy we'd need to make gold from lead. Welcome, for this is the alchemy of the modern world!
You need algebra. You also might want a little teensy bit of linear algebra but it's not so important as equation manipulation. And some chemistry wouldn't go amiss, either.
You need algebra. You also might want a little teensy bit of linear algebra but it's not so important as equation manipulation. And some chemistry wouldn't go amiss, either.
S4381: Introduction to Stem Cells
Difficulty: **
Joanna Wypasek
This course is going to be covering stem cells and fascinating stem cell research being done today!
I taught "Introduction to Regenerative Medicine" last fall and briefly covered stem cells. Even if you attended that class, I encourage you to sign up for this class and learn about them in more depth!
I taught "Introduction to Regenerative Medicine" last fall and briefly covered stem cells. Even if you attended that class, I encourage you to sign up for this class and learn about them in more depth!
S4385: Canine Cognition 101
Difficulty: **
Katherine Ziska
In this course you will learn about the evolution and history of dogs and the unique cognitive abilities they acquired along the way that helped them become "man's best friend." We will touch on key areas of research done with dogs and what they indicate about dogs inner world such as social cognition and theory of mind. At the end, there will be some useful take aways about dog behavior that might help improve your relationship with dogs.
S4389: Introduction to Neuroscience: How Our Brains Make Decisions Full!
Difficulty: ***
Chika Ogbejesi
This class will provide a quick overview of how the brain works and then discuss how it makes decisions based on concepts from neuroeconomics.
S4395: Treating Cancer: Introduction to Radiation Oncology Full!
Difficulty: **
Nadia Saeed
What is cancer? How do we prevent, diagnose, and treat it? Did you know radiation can be used to treat tumors? We'll explore the exciting field of oncology and work together through an interactive hands-on activity exploring anatomy on CAT scans!
No formal prerequisites required although a basic course in biology would be helpful.
No formal prerequisites required although a basic course in biology would be helpful.
S4396: The Grandest Scales: Connecting Astronomy with Particle Physics
Difficulty: **
Matt King,
Tristan Weaver
The largest and smallest scales of the universe aren't as separated as you might think. Particles smaller than a grain of sand set the stage for the universe in its fiery beginnings, and forces spanning galaxies have governed its evolution ever since. Black holes are born because of the Pauli Exclusion Principle and die because of particles that live for nanoseconds. In this session, we will discuss many connections between particle physics and astronomy, including Hawking radiation, the cosmic microwave background, and the search for dark matter. Grab your microscopes and your telescopes as you join us in exploring the connections between the cosmic and the microscopic!
Basic familiarity with physics concepts such as energy, mass, and velocity. No previous experience with particle physics or astronomy is expected.
Basic familiarity with physics concepts such as energy, mass, and velocity. No previous experience with particle physics or astronomy is expected.
S4397: Intro to Brain Trauma Full!
Difficulty: **
Gabriella Gutierrez,
Hillary Nguyen
In this class, we will dive into the functions of various parts of the brain and discuss some amazing case studies involving brain injuries that result in the transformation of human behavior.
S4403: Relativity: From 0 to Lightspeed in One Hour!
Difficulty: ***
Tristan Weaver
Albert Einstein is known as one of the greatest scientists of all time - and for good reason! In this section, we will talk about what relativity is, working our way from its beginnings with Galileo way back in 1632 to modern research in black holes and the fate of the Universe! On the way, we'll talk about how you can stay young for millions of years and develop intuition for the most famous equation in physics: $$E=mc^2$$.
Get ready to hop on a rocketship and blast through the cosmos, this is going to be a fast (but still less than $$c$$) and wild ride!
A strong understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem and Cartesian Coordinates (x,y) is a must! Students without a formal physics background are welcome, but they might not understand everything about the $$E=mc^2$$ part.
Get ready to hop on a rocketship and blast through the cosmos, this is going to be a fast (but still less than $$c$$) and wild ride!
A strong understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem and Cartesian Coordinates (x,y) is a must! Students without a formal physics background are welcome, but they might not understand everything about the $$E=mc^2$$ part.
S4408: Medical Media: Using Social Media to Share Credible Health Information
Difficulty: *
Indira Flores,
Prerak Juthani
Learn how to use social media to communicate science in a fun way with your peers, friends, family, and even others who want to learn! You can share anything from cool robotics findings to important public health campaigns. We'll show you how to make the most of YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even TikTok to discover and share the science that matters to you!
S4348: Diseases and Infections: Studying Bacteria Structure and Function Full!
Difficulty: **
Gonna Nwakudu
This class will introduce you to the wondrous world of bacteria. Learn how typical bacteria are structured and how they infect their hosts. Class will then end with group discussions on different case studies featuring bacterial diseases.
X4335: Let's talk about race!: How to discuss racial issues comfortably and productively Full!
Difficulty: *
Alex Chen
"In the capital city of Washington, D.C. three out of four young African American males are expected to serve time in prison... While studies show that quantitatively Americans of different races consume illegal drugs at similar rates, in some states black men have been sent to prison on drug charges at rates twenty to fifty times those of white men."
When is something (a statement, a meme, a belief, a person, a policy) racist? How can I be an effective ally to marginalized communities? How can I become more comfortable talking about racial issues? Can BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) be racist? When are racial slurs appropriate, if ever?
Let's talk about these issues!
When is something (a statement, a meme, a belief, a person, a policy) racist? How can I be an effective ally to marginalized communities? How can I become more comfortable talking about racial issues? Can BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) be racist? When are racial slurs appropriate, if ever?
Let's talk about these issues!
X4338: Investing in the Stock Market Full!
Difficulty: **
Andrew Richards
What is the stock market? Why should I learn about investing? Want to learn to to earn more than average by retirement age? Join this class to learn more about the world of investing stocks!
Some investing knowledge recommended
Some investing knowledge recommended
X4345: Food Television: Watch What You Eat
Difficulty: *
Bryan Mendoza
Have you ever been told to watch what you eat? Well many do so very actively by watching food based entertainment. Anything from cooking competitions, cooking tutorials, travel shows, and even documentaries shape the way we watch and ultimately eat our food. In this class we ask the question, what kind of expectations and norms are created by food based entertainment? And how are we to respond to them? Join me on this trip to flavor town, and lets talk about the entertainment you consume!
X4356: Witnesses to Internment – Incarceration of Minorities in American History
Difficulty: *
Tilden Chao
During World War II, the United States incarcerated roughly 120,000 Japanese Americans in concentration camps in California, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas. These Japanese-American prisoners—the vast majority citizens—lost their jobs, dignity, and livelihoods in what would become one of the greatest civil rights abuses in American history. Japanese internment occurred under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Chief Justice Earl Warren, and a slew of other progressive politicians. So—how could this happen?
In my course, we'll discuss the stories of my incarcerated relatives, the broader struggle of Japanese-American prisoners, and the Japanese Americans who chose to serve in the Army during the war. In today’s fraught political climate, we'll also explore what it means to be a patriot, what it means to be a citizen, and how we can move forward socially in American society.
Along the way, we’ll discuss the connections between internment and modern-day immigration policy and incarceration practices. We’ll also brainstorm solutions—ethically, politically, and socially—that could prevent future periods of reckless incarceration.
No matter your race or your familiarity with social justice issues, I hope that you’ll join this conversation. We need all of your minds to solve these issues. Candid discussions are a first step to a brighter future.
If you are curious about my studies in internment or want to learn more, feel free to visit my website at www.witnessestointernment.org. This course assumes no prior history knowledge and all students are encouraged to join.
In my course, we'll discuss the stories of my incarcerated relatives, the broader struggle of Japanese-American prisoners, and the Japanese Americans who chose to serve in the Army during the war. In today’s fraught political climate, we'll also explore what it means to be a patriot, what it means to be a citizen, and how we can move forward socially in American society.
Along the way, we’ll discuss the connections between internment and modern-day immigration policy and incarceration practices. We’ll also brainstorm solutions—ethically, politically, and socially—that could prevent future periods of reckless incarceration.
No matter your race or your familiarity with social justice issues, I hope that you’ll join this conversation. We need all of your minds to solve these issues. Candid discussions are a first step to a brighter future.
If you are curious about my studies in internment or want to learn more, feel free to visit my website at www.witnessestointernment.org. This course assumes no prior history knowledge and all students are encouraged to join.
X4358: How to Run a Political Campaign
Difficulty: **
Marcos Barrios
As as a Deputy Campaign Manager for a high profile congressional race in a swing state this election cycle, I have learned about the ins and outs of campaigning. This class will look at the major parts of a campaign, including fundraising, volunteers, research, communications, and social media. Come and learn a little of the behind the scene life as a campaign staffer!
X4368: Fighting the Fate of Disease: The Tale of Prevention Full!
Difficulty: **
Are you interested in how acupuncture can prevent diseases? Want to learn how to nip the most common chronic and infectious diseases in the bud ? This course provides an overview on the importance of preventative health measures against chronic diseases, such as with diet or screening measures. You will also learn about prevention beyond the individual level, such as prevention in the context of outbreaks or epidemics.
X4377: Introduction to Turkish Full!
Difficulty: *
Eda Naz Dinc
How many people in America can say “Hello!” in Turkish? Do you want to become one of them? Do you want to learn more about one of the earliest countries to give women the right to vote? Do you want to learn about the country that bridges the continents of Europe and Asia?
If so, come and learn the basics of Turkish and the country of Turkey!
If so, come and learn the basics of Turkish and the country of Turkey!
X4384: Intellectual Property Law: Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights & Trade Secrets
Difficulty: **
Zehra Jafri
Do you want to be a big city corporate lawyer one day? Or maybe you love science and want to design a neat invention and be on Shark Tank someday and make sure no one steals your ideas. Or perhaps you have the dreams of being a famous artist and want your songs copyrighted or your paintings trademarked. Or maybe you just really like watching Legally Blonde or Suits and want to understand the law better! There's something in this class for everyone.
In this session we will explore the kinds of Intellectual Property (IP) Law, which is the law of protecting your ideas and innovation. The instructor will also briefly go over the law school application process, and provide tips for budding attorneys at the end.
In this session we will explore the kinds of Intellectual Property (IP) Law, which is the law of protecting your ideas and innovation. The instructor will also briefly go over the law school application process, and provide tips for budding attorneys at the end.
X4387: Carbon Dividends -- The Bipartisan Solution for the Climate Crisis
Difficulty: **
Charles Xu
Have you ever wondered what we can do to save our planet from the climate crisis? Despite being one of the most pressing issues of our generation, we have yet to pass a bipartisan climate solution that can sufficiently address the challenges we face. Carbon Dividends are one of the most powerful policy instruments we can use in this critical time.
We do not expect any background knowledge. In this Splash course, we begin from the ground up and cover the basics of Carbon Dividends: how they work, who supports it, why this plan can help save our planet, and what you can do as a leader for climate action.
We do not expect any background knowledge. In this Splash course, we begin from the ground up and cover the basics of Carbon Dividends: how they work, who supports it, why this plan can help save our planet, and what you can do as a leader for climate action.
X4388: Jim Crow Zoning - How Towns Stay Segregated
Difficulty: **
Robby Hill,
Emily Tian
Throughout the twentieth century, private individuals and government agencies used racist housing policies like redlining and racial covenants to keep Black people out of predominantly white towns and cities. In recent history, these explicitly racist practices have ceased to exist. In their place, towns have found new ways to exclude poor people and people of color. One of these methods? Zoning codes. In this class, we'll learn how wealthy towns use exclusive zoning -- sometimes called "Jim Crow Zoning" -- to drive up home prices and limit availability. We'll discuss what this looks like in Connecticut and what we can do as citizens to fix it.
X4391: Periods, Pads, and Poverty
Difficulty: *
Sophie Ascheim
Do you or a loved one menstruate? Do you or a loved one wish you knew more or felt less awkward talking about periods, menstrual health, period poverty, period product alternatives, or just love talking about periods? If so, our class is for you! There is so much more to know about periods than how long to keep a tampon in without getting Toxic Shock Syndrome. All over the world, girls face extraordinary struggles whenever they get their period. Imagine not knowing how you would be getting your next box of pads. Or imagine not even knowing what a pad was. Worst of all, imagine not knowing what to call your period or why you bleed for a week each month. Some of us in America are fortunate enough to have answers to all of those questions, but for girls and women around the world many of those questions remain unanswered. If you want to know how you can fight to end period poverty, join the menstrual movement and end the stigma around menstruation, then consider taking this class, and getting involved with menstrual equity activists in your own communities
X4398: Tackling Systemic Problems Full!
Difficulty: **
Akio Ho
Our world has problems. A lot of them, in fact. From racism, sexism, LGBTQI discrimination and ableism, to failing education systems, capitalism, increasing economic inequality and climate change. Too often it feels overwhelming! To make waves in the world we need a shift from individual to systems level thinking. In this class we look at what top researchers have said about strategies of systems-change at all kinds of levels, including takeaways for anyone interested in taking on social change in nonprofit, activist, and social enterprise spaces!
X4402: Building a New Venture: Ideas to Action Full!
Difficulty: **
Ananya Asthana
Have you ever seen a problem and thought you might be the person to solve it? Whether it be something like climate change or the fact that your water bottle can only hold one drink at a time - this is the class for you!
We will look at how you can identify problems and then develop solutions in the form of businesses. We will talk about both social and product innovation, and you'll walk away empowered to apply these principles to any problem or solution you may find! If you're at all interested in entrepreneurship, business, leadership, or just problem solving, sign up!
We will look at how you can identify problems and then develop solutions in the form of businesses. We will talk about both social and product innovation, and you'll walk away empowered to apply these principles to any problem or solution you may find! If you're at all interested in entrepreneurship, business, leadership, or just problem solving, sign up!
X4404: Small- and Large-scale Sustainable Impact Full!
Difficulty: **
Alana Ervin,
Verenice Torres
GREEN at Yale is teaching a class that examines the effectiveness of both small- and large-scale sustainable solutions and reconciles both approaches out of necessity in order to tackle the climate crisis. There are no course prerequisites, but basic knowledge about human-driven climate change and its different manifestations are helpful.