Splash Biography

JACOB HARRISON, Yale Junior Studying Statistics & Data Science

Major: Statistics & Data Science

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2024

Picture of Jacob Harrison

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hello! I'm a current Yale junior studying Statistics & Data Science! I've been teaching and tutoring students for years now and really enjoy it; I currently teach large SAT/ACT and math classes to high school students part-time. As someone who competed in math competitions throughout my life, I'm interested in problem solving, probability, and statistics. In my free time I like to go on outdoor adventures, play video games, do calisthenics, and hangout with friends.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M4688: Math in Real Life: An Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 01, 2023)
An introduction to various interesting, real-life applicable probability and statistics concepts and questions.

M4373: Math in Real Life: An Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Splash Spring 2021 (Apr. 24, 2021)
An introduction to various interesting, real-life applicable probability and statistics concepts and questions.