Splash Biography

GABRIELLA GUTIERREZ, Yale third-year pre-med studying Psychology

Major: Psychology

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2023

Picture of Gabriella Gutierrez

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am a third-year pre-med student studying psychology at Yale University. I am planning to pursue an MD-PhD following graduation with an interest in neurosurgical oncology. I currently work as an EMT and a research assistant in the Günel Lab at the Yale School of Medicine and the Belief, Learning, and Memory Lab with Dr. Corlett.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S4580: Intro to Brain Trauma in Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 16, 2022)
In this class, we will dive into the functions of various parts of the brain and discuss some amazing case studies involving brain injuries that result in the transformation of human behavior.

S4487: Intro to Brain Trauma in Splash Fall 2021 (Nov. 13, 2021)
In this class, we will dive into the functions of various parts of the brain and discuss some amazing case studies involving brain injuries that result in the transformation of human behavior.

S4397: Intro to Brain Trauma in Splash Spring 2021 (Apr. 24, 2021)
In this class, we will dive into the functions of various parts of the brain and discuss some amazing case studies involving brain injuries that result in the transformation of human behavior.