Splash Biography
JACOB KALODNER, Yale second semester senior studying Archaeology
Major: Archaeology/Anthropology College/Employer: Yale Year of Graduation: 2021 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Ever since I was a kid, I've been interested in archaeology and human culture. I read tons about the mythologies of various ancient cultures, and frequently visited the American Museum of Natural History in New York to look at their exhibits and attempt to learn more about the cultures of ancient peoples. However, in school, I was never offered the opportunity to take a class focusing on archaeology and the cultures of long-gone peoples. I hope to offer these accessible classes that I wish I would have had growing up to the next generation of archaeologists. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E4444: Human Evolution in Sprout Fall 2021 (Oct. 02 - 16, 2021)
The story of how humans came to be is one riddled with mystery, dead ends, controversy, and seemingly endless debate. However, it all centers around the primary question: what makes us human? The search to answer this question takes us back millions of years, and spans disciplines such as paleoanthropology, archaeology, geology, biology, and more. This course will teach the very basics of what we know (and don't know) about human evolution, and provide resources for those who wish to learn more.
S4443: Human Evolution in Splash Fall 2021 (Nov. 13, 2021)
The story of how humans came to be is one riddled with mystery, dead ends, controversy, and seemingly endless debate. However, it all centers around the primary question: what makes us human? The search to answer this question takes us back millions of years, and spans disciplines such as paleoanthropology, archaeology, geology, biology, and more. This course will teach the very basics of what we know (and don't know) about human evolution, and provide resources for those who wish to learn more.
S4369: The Archaeology of Food in Splash Spring 2021 (Apr. 24, 2021)
This course will investigate the food and drink consumed by our ancestors, and the methods that archaeologists can use to determine what was being eaten!
S4370: The Archaeology of Music in Splash Spring 2021 (Apr. 24, 2021)
Where does music come from? Who first started playing it? What did it sound like? This course will investigate the evidence for music creation over the past few hundreds of thousands of years!
A4293: Jewish-American Comedy in Splash Fall 2020 (Nov. 14, 2020)
Jewish humor has long been a staple of the American comic scene. In 1978, Time Magazine went as far as to estimate that 80% of professional American comics were Jewish. In this class, we will examine the deep, hilarious, and odd history of Jewish humor in the United States.
S3905: Lithic Technology: How to make stone tools in Splash Fall 2019 (Nov. 16, 2019)
Stone tools have been used by hominins for 2 million years. Learn to make some of them yourself!
E3803: The History of Humanity: Origins in Sprout Fall 2019 (Sep. 28 - Oct. 12, 2019)
What is it to be human? How is it that we have gotten to where we are today? This class will explore the evolution of human beings into the homo sapiens we know today.
E3804: The History of Humanity: Civilizations in Sprout Fall 2019 (Sep. 28 - Oct. 12, 2019)
This class will discuss the formation of early civilizations and states, from Mesopotamia to Mesoamerica. We will learn why humans settled down, the effects of civilization, and why it matters today.
S3699: The Peoples of the Past: What is Archaeology? in Splash Spring 19 (Apr. 06, 2019)
What is archaeology? Why is it important today? These are the questions that people often ask when faced with the idea of archaeology. In this class, we will explore the basic concepts and foundations of archaeology and archaeological science. We'll talk about the history of archaeology, from it's very beginnings in antiquarianism in Europe to the science that it is today.
S3753: The Peoples of the Past: What is Archaeology? in Splash Spring 19 (Apr. 06, 2019)
What is archaeology? Why is it important today? These are the questions that people often ask when faced with the idea of archaeology. In this class, we will explore the basic concepts and foundations of archaeology and archaeological science. We'll talk about the history of archaeology, from it's very beginnings in antiquarianism in Europe to the science that it is today.
E3496: The Peoples of the Past: What is Archaeology? in Sprout Spring 19 (Feb. 16 - Mar. 02, 2019)
What is archaeology? Why is it important today? These are the questions that people often ask when faced with the idea of archaeology. In this class, we will explore the basic concepts and foundations of archaeology and archaeological science. We'll talk about the history of archaeology, from it's very beginnings in antiquarianism in Europe to the science that it is today.