Sprout Spring 17
Course Catalog

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Core Class Elective

Core Class

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C2414: The Limits of Knowledge Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Daniel Do

How do you know you're not living in a Matrix simulation? Are most of your memories false? How much of your environment do you perceive? Is there a limit to how much you can learn or comprehend? Is there anything you could ever be certain about?

In this class, we'll explore puzzles, paradoxes, and psychological phenomena that cast doubt on everything you think you know.

C2426: The Art of Mathematics Full!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Milo Brandt

Ever wondered what keeps a mathematician up at night? The answer may surprise you! (Hint: It's not calculators)

In this course, we will explore the wild and varied land of mathematical proof, aiming to appreciate and participate in the beauty of mathematics.

C2436: Mindfulness and Stress Tolerance
Difficulty: *

Learn to identify and better manage stress through mindfulness, a simple way of thinking that anyone can do.

C2438: To Infinity and Beyond!
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Daniel Hwang

How do you add people to a fully occupied infinite hotel? When we are little, we have a pretty basic understanding of infinity, how we can count and count and never end. But when we do more complicated work with infinity, it suddenly isn't so intuitive. How do we deal with that concept when it is applied to different theoretical scenarios?

Basic algebra (understand addition, multiplication, exponents)

C2442: Introduction to Developmental Psychology Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Michael Glick

Are babies born as blank slates? How do humans learn languages? Does watching violent television lead children to become more aggressive? In this course, we'll have a chance to take a look at these questions and many, many more! If you've ever found yourself wondering just how you came to be the person that you are today, then this class is the one for you. And even if you've never stopped to think about that type of question, this course should also be great for you! Be prepared to discuss some absolutely fascinating topics!


C2443: Game Theory: How to Make Smart Decisions Full!
Difficulty: **

An introduction to mathematical game theory, studying how to use logic and probability to make intelligent, rational decisions in games. Will include discussions of payoff matrices, the Prisoner's Dilemma, the role of randomness in optimal strategies, and other related topics.

Some basic algebra knowledge would be useful but is not required. (We will not use algebra if most of the class does not know it.)

C2451: Poetry and Thinking
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Logan Zelk

What is thinking? What is it that we do when we "think" about things? And what type of thinking is poetry? What new avenues of thought does poetry open up for us? How does thinking and poetry impact the way we live our lives, and how can we better utilize thinking, both to possess healthier mental states and to view our world with more meaningful interactions?


C2459: Experimental Design Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Ryan Malpass

So you want to be one of the greatest scientists of the modern era? Then join us as we analyze some of the most amazing experiments in history, learn about some of the most ingenious scientific minds, and run our very own experiments. Each week will feature new experiments as groups work together and sometimes even compete to get the best results. Each week will also feature new experiments, scientists, and ideas that were revolutionary in their time.

No prerequisites for this class

C2465: Public Speaking like the Pros Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kris Todi

This course will help you improve your public speaking confidence, and is packed with activities, games, and fun exercises to help you become a Pro Public Speaker!

C2472: Environmental Justice, Technology, and Human Health Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Annie Bui

Environmentalism is more than just planting trees and recycling -- it encompasses issues relating to ethics, race, gender, class and justice. We will look at some environmental justice case studies, which reveal that low income communities as well as communities of color are disproportionately affected by environmental pollution. Understanding environmental justice requires us to ask (1) who gets the benefits of environmental protection? (2) does everyone get a fair chance to voice their opinions? (3) who receives the effects if pollution is not dealt with? (4) who should bear the cost of environmental protection? (5) what hopeful examples can we add to this discussion? The question for us going forward is: what does an environmentally just world look like and what can we do to work towards it?

We will also look at the technology needed to move towards a decarbonized economy. Imagine a world transitioned away from dirty fossil fuels. Imagine our world run on renewable energy. Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that is collected from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy services.

Thirdly, we'll examine the human health impacts associated with burning fossil fuels. 38% of the world does not have access to proper cooking facilities and equipment. Instead, they rely on indoor cooking that poses a danger to their respiratory health. We'll take a look at air , water, and environmental pollution that threatens human health in the developing world.

C2475: A Brief History of Russia Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Stephan Sveshnikov

A brief history of Russia in three parts (corresponding to our three class meetings): prehistoric through Imperial, Soviet, and Modern. Heavy reliance on primary sources (in translation) and vigorous class discussion. We will cover the origins of the Kievan State, the rise of Muscovy, the Tatar Yoke, the great expansions to the South and West under Peter and Catherine, the Revolution of 1917, the Cold War, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and end with the recent conflict in Ukraine.

C2477: Shot Down: How Smart Gun Laws Save Lives, and Why We Still Don't Have Them
Difficulty: **

What makes America the most violent developed country in the world? What role is played by the ease of access to guns? Why have certain gun policy proposals gained the support of over 90% of Americans, but failed to pass in Congress?

This is a crash course in gun policy that will touch on topics in public health, history, sociology, media studies, and political science -- and the opportunities and challenges that come with getting involved in a single-issue political campaign.

C2481: The Subjunctive in English and Other Grammar Oddities
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Brett Greene

English grammar is a byzantine subject, and there is very little agreement on what constitutes 'proper' English. In this class, we'll explore how English ended up the way it did, with a particular focus on the use of the subjunctive mood.

C2456: Peeling Back the Layers of Solar Cells: The Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Solar Energy Full!
Difficulty: **

With an energy crisis on the horizon, solar energy storage has become a hot topic in modern science. What is the best way to capture solar energy? Once we have that energy, how to we store it? However, there are so many different types of solar cells being used that reading even popular science articles can be confusing. We will systematically clarify the major categories of solar cells, including the system used by nature, and explain how they work from a physics, biology, or chemistry perspective. Topics will include solar thermal collectors, photovoltaics, dye-sensitized solar cells, photosynthesis, solar electrolysis, and solar thermal cells.

C2484: A History of Social Movements in Brazil
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Michael Borger

In this course, students will examine the progression of different social movements, including the decolonization period, the transition from monarchy to democracy, repression under the military dictatorship, student activism, women's suffrage, the myth of racial democracy, and queer pride. This course will employ both primary and secondary documents of analysis, and will consist of primarily discussions.


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E2412: Gay Pride, Gender Outlaws, and Radical Love
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Gray Golding

Come learn about the LGBTQ+ world history and culture that your AP World teacher will never tell you was queer–from ancient Rome to China's Han Dynasty to the the Wild West and more.

E2413: Autism Spectrum Disorders Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Stella Kyprianou

This course will include an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders, further discuss characteristics, current interventions and discuss neurodiversity.

E2417: The Buckley Program: America's Constitution: What It Is and Why It Matters
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Pranam Dey

What is the American Constitution? Why is it the Supreme Law of the Land? How did it come into existence? How has it changed over time? And above all, why should you care, and how does it affect you? Since 1787, Americans have lived under the rule of the Constitution and have fought and died defending it. The Constitution has shaped the course of American and even world history, and other nations have based their own constitutions on our model. During these 50 minutes, let's go over the origins and structure of the Constitution, then cover how it shaped our history and continues to guide us today and into the future.

E2418: Economics and the American Healthcare System
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Pranam Dey

Health spending has reached almost 20% of American GDP. In other words, almost 1 in 5 of dollars spent in the US goes toward health care in some way. Health care is a deeply emotional issue to many and features prominently in national political discourse. This course will apply basic economic principles to gain a deeper understanding of the American healthcare system and health policy.

E2419: Sprout Book Exchange Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amy Estersohn

Book lovers, unite!

This class will provide you an opportunity to talk about favorite books, get recommendations for new reads from your peers, and explore new authors and titles.

If you have books at home you are looking to give away, bring them in! Course instructor will be providing books to take home.

E2420: Practicing Happiness Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amy Estersohn

What really makes people happy in a long-lasting way? Scientists suggest it's not a new car or making the varsity team — instead, happiness is something we do and practice.

In this class we'll practice some of the techniques that scientists say can make us happier. All you'll need is a paper and pencil.

E2421: Business Psychology Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Amy Estersohn

We'll break off into "teams" and you'll be in charge of making decisions as a business leader would using real world examples.

Through exploring these real world examples, you'll learn about how business owners need and use psychological concepts in everyday work.

E2424: The Arab World
Difficulty: **

Are you interested in learning more about The Arab World?
This class is a crash course on the Arab World: what countries is it made up of? What regions does it span? What unites all Arab countries? What are it's most distinctive cultural/ economic/ historical features?
Join me as I address all these questions and tackle current challenges facing particular Arab countries, distinctive properties of the Arab language, common misconceptions and more!

None! If you have any particular topics you'd like to tackle, email me at rachel.jaberchehayeb@yale.edu

E2425: A Global Challenge: Antimicrobial Resistance
Difficulty: **

Ever wondered about the basic antibiotics you take every once in a while?
Join me for a discussion concerning antibiotics in general and the emergence of resistant pathogens that poses a serious health care challenge worldwide.

Basic biology recommended.

E2427: All About Dinosaurs!
Difficulty: *

Do you love dinosaurs? Of course you do! So come join us while we learn about some of the most amazing creatures to ever walk, swim, and fly on Earth! While dinosaurs dominated Earth for over 165 million years. Humans have been around for only 2 million years. That’s a lot of dinosaur knowledge to get through, and we aim to share all the coolest bits, from Titanosaur, which weighed more much than 1000 human adults, to the giant shark Megalodon that ate the equivalent of an entire elephant each week.

E2428: Free Will
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Yookyung Kwak

Is choice a myth? Do we have any real control over our lives, or are our actions and values just a product of external causes? This class will explore the philosophy of free will, as well as alternatives to it like determinism and compatibilism. We'll also discuss the implications of free will (or the lack thereof) on morality, law, religion, etc.

E2429: Film Photography: 200 Years of Evolution
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Paul Han

What did your grandparents use to take your family album photos? Learn about the rich 200 year history of film and film cameras, from the first photograph, which took 8 hours to take, to the instant Polaroids that we all know and love.

E2430: Fermi Questions: How to Estimate Anything Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Cindy Xue

How many jelly beans are in the jar? How many basketballs would fit in an airplane? How many piano tuners are their in New York City?

Learn how to attack these

Some math: manipulation of fractions and decimals

E2431: The Railways of Japan
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Andrew Sandweiss

Interested in Japan? Interested in railways? Want to learn about trains that can go up to 150, 200, even 350 miles per hour? Then sign up for "The Railways of Japan"! You'll get an extensive scope of the railroad system in the country while learning about its culture through its infrastructure system.

E2432: Thinking like a computer: Intro to Computational Thinking
Difficulty: **

Under the hood, your computer represents all forms of information, including text files, movies, and music, as a long string of just 0s and 1s. How is this possible?

Learn to find a piece of candy from 4 billion cups in just 32 tries, represent any number with just 1s and 0s, and spot bit errors with one glance.

No prior computer science/programming knowledge needed.

E2433: Masters of War
Difficulty: *

What does it take for 150 soldiers to defeat an army of 20,000? Together we'll explore the basics of military strategy and learn about the visionary commanders who reshaped world history on the battlefield.

E2435: The Psychology of Power: Human Nature and the Subconscious
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kevin Hwang

At the center of this course’s premise is the critical recognition of how human nature shapes the ways we obtain power and wield it. The seminar will first examine some key experiments in psychology such as the Milgram Experiment (exploring mechanisms of authority and obedience), Stanford Prison Experiment (exploring power and its abuse), and the Little Albert Experiment (exploring subconscious patterning and conditioning), describe the fundamental patterns of human psychology that they reveal, and then discuss how these patterns are exploited or subconsciously utilized in various historical cases of power consolidation. Case studies include Nazi Germany, media wars in contemporary United States politics, and nationalist movements. Students will leave understanding the basic patterns of human nature, and understanding how these patterns directly cross over into political behavior. They will also feel comfortable describing how to analyze a psychological power case study such as that of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia with the guidelines and considerations laid out in class discussion.

E2437: Introduction to Computers - Building to Programming
Difficulty: **
Teachers: William Smith

Learn about computer components, basics of building a computer, and an overview of different programming languages including python, C and Racket.

No previous knowledge required except know what a computer is!

E2439: The City: A Grid, a System, an Art Form
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Daphne Agosin

The city is a topic everyone can relate to so it is not hard to understand the core themes or cases.
I will divide the classes in 1) Form and Urban Design in History, 2) The City as a Space for Socialization, and 3) The CIty as a System.
The difficulty lies in understanding the complexity of the problems at stake, and how the physical spaces of the city are always a result of political conflicts and resolutions. Two contemporary issues to look at, and that we can also find in the history of Urbanism are Resilience and Gentrification. I will base the last class on this.

E2440: Super Basic Origami for Beginners 101 Full!
Difficulty: *

Guided exploration of basic bases and formation of simple shapes.

E2441: Genetics Full!
Difficulty: **

Have you ever wondered about what genes are? Or how information from your parents is passed on to you? Or how the environment influences your genes? Or maybe even just why genetics matters?

This class covers some of the basics of genetics including what DNA is, how transcription and translation works, and how heredity (how information is passed on) works. We will also discuss epigenetics and what happens when something goes wrong in the form of genetic disease.

Basic understanding of biology.

E2444: Black History Heroes Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jasmine Benjamin

In honor of Black History Month, let's take a closer look at some important African American leaders, past and present. From Frederick Douglass to Ella Baker to President Obama to Serena Williams. We will look at how important figures like them shaped African American history and pioneered new racial landscapes.

E2445: Explore Hawai'i Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Stephanie Spear

Every culture has its own style of dance. Come join this class to learn a little bit about the hula, the dance of the Hawaiian people, and the Hawaiian culture! Aloha!

Positive attitude and open mindedness!

E2446: Social Networks & How They Structure Our Lives
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Kira Tebbe

There's a lot more to social networks than just Facebook. They organize us at school, in the workplace, and even in the military. But what are they? And what is the math and theory behind them? This interactive class will give a broad overview of social networks, such as ways to measure influence, and talk about some theories, such as the Traveling Salesman problem and the Seven Bridges of Königsberg.

E2447: Cultures of Spain Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jessica Wu

This class will start with a brief history of Spain and examine the many different cultures that have developed as a result of the country's rich history. Do you remember learning about Christopher Columbus in elementary school and want to know more about Spanish conquistadors? Does everyone in Spain love flamenco and bullfighting? If you enjoy eating churros con chocolate, you may be in for a sweet surprise at the end of class :)

E2448: The Many Paths in the Military
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Samantha Bleykhman

Always wondered what functions the different branches of the military really perform, or how people can get involved?
In this course, you will be exposed to not only ways that students can join the military and the different training they go through, but also the different functions personnel perform when they actively serve in the military.

E2449: Positive Psychology and the Power of the Growth Mindset
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Colin Hill

An accessible but research-based exploration of the science of happiness. We'll focus on questions such as: what can we do to empower ourselves to lead more fulfilling lives? How can we change our mindset to be more successful academically, socially, even athletically?

E2450: Viking Runes Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: William Merrill

An introduction to the Norse writing system, as well as Norse mythology and history. You will learn how to read actual runic inscriptions written by Vikings over a thousand years ago.

E2452: Superheroes! 101
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Oliver Orr

Superheroes! We see them everywhere: Movies, comic books, TV shows, video games. But where did our favorite Superheroes, like Captain America, Batman, and Wonder woman even come from? Learn about the history of Superhero comic books and the epic stories of old! How did poems from 3000 years ago and books from Abraham Lincoln's time lead to the invention of Superheroes? Come find out! We'll learn about topics like The Heroes Journey and The Gothic Novel in... Superheroes! 101

A love of learning.

E2453: Existentialism Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Logan Zelk

What does it mean to exist? What does it mean to be? And how do we face nihilism, or our impending deaths with courage and certainty? Can we find answers to that from within ourselves or observing the outside world? How do our actions define us, and what is the right way to live? In this course we will seek to examine how existentialism helps answer these questions for us.

E2454: Introduction to Oral Health
Difficulty: **

This course will provide a brief introduction to the importance of proper oral hygiene and a broad overview of the vocational side of the field of dentistry by explaining common terms and techniques. How does smoking affect people's teeth, gums, and overall oral health? We will explore questions and concepts like this! This is perfect for anyone who has an interest in a career in medicine or dentistry in the future!

E2455: The Buckley Program: Federalist 10
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Madeline Fortier

This course will emphasize the political philosophy and theory behind the American Founding. It will broadly cover the American Founding and the Federalist Papers, with a specific focus on Federalist 10. Within Federalist 10, we will examine Madison's portrayal of factionalism, majoritarian rule as a form of tyranny, the nature of Madisonian republicanism (as opposed to democracy), and the role of government.

Read and annotate Federalist 10 (http://www.constitution.org/fed/federa10.htm) Interests in and general knowledge of US history and government

E2457: Positivity: The Power of Optimism
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Caitlin Dermody

Let the Sunshine In and Turn that Frown Upside Down! This class instructs students on how to use the power of a positive attitude to make any day a little brighter. By recognizing the benefits of a positive outlook on life themselves, students will be able to help others find the light in any situation.

E2458: Origami: Collision of Art and Science
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Peter Wang

Origami, the art of paper folding, is usually perceived as a children play-thing, and is rarely associated with "art", and even less so a "science". However, the world of origami can be much more complex and powerful than simply a paper crane or the paper plane. Origami has recently attracted the attention of artists, scientists, and engineers alike!
In this class, we will explore various advanced types of origami creations, such as modular, tessellation, and realistic origami, and study the mathematical framework discovered behind origami, which has made possible its use in e.g. space programs.

No origami, mathematics, or art experiences are required.

E2460: Sizes and Measurments
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Ekaterina Stroeva

The course will focus on understanding the relative sizes of scientifically relative and real life objects. Students will get a "feel" of how big an atom is compared to a size of a molecule and how that compares to a size of an animal cell. Students will be introduced and coached to use the metric system, SI units and perform dimensional analysis. We will review algebra and arithmetic operations with powers, i.e. $$ 1/100 = 10^-2 = 0.01 $$. The course will connect skills learned in the sciences and math courses and should spark interest to learn more.

E2462: Build Your Own Spell Checker Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Connor McLaughlin

Ever wonder how computers can correct misspelled words? In this course, students will work together to develop a simple spell checking algorithm while learning some theory along the way. Instructors will implement students' code in Python and test it in front of the class.

Basic knowledge of programming is a plus, but not required.

E2463: Buddhist Philosophy
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Qianyi Qin

An introduction to Buddhist philosophy. Topics include four noble truths, dependent origination, non-self, the aim of meditation and philosophizing in Buddhism.

E2464: WaterCOLOR Painting Full!
Difficulty: *

Learn about colors and perspective through watercolor painting! There will be a fun lecture about the relationships between colors followed by short painting demonstrations by the instructors. During the second half of the class, you will have a chance to make your own watercolor paintings, incorporating the skills you learn in the first half of the class.

E2466: A Hitchhikers Guide to Observing the Universe Full!
Difficulty: **

Come learn how to explore the universe, from the comfort and safety of your own home! A short, hands-on introduction to methods of exploring the universe (with occasional brief commentary on its contents).
In this class, you'll learn something about astronomical observing across wavelengths, stare at the sun, and then use a telescope!


E2467: Our Brain on Information Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Zaritza Petrova

This class will explore how we process information, given to us by the news, family, friends, and teachers.We will look at the regions of the brain which process different types of information as well as how we can use that information to become more effective in studying and thinking critically about the information that comes to us from the outside world.

Some biology

E2468: Microbiota: Friends or Foes?
Difficulty: **

Bacteria and humans have struggled to co-exist for quite a while. But, have we reached an agreement already? Being required for modulating multiple pathways in human development while inhibiting infections from exogenous agents, our pool of colonizing bacteria, our microbiota, plays an important role in human health. How exactly is being colonized by millions of bacteria a strategy to protect us? How has the microbiota impacted human evolution? This course will explain the diverse positive and negative influences that the microbiota have in human health.

E2469: The Force Awakens
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Byron Daniel

A wise Jedi once said, "The force surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." In this course, you will learn about the 4 fundamental forces of nature and how they apply to the largest of stars and the smallest of particles.

E2470: Politics and Action Movies
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jack Hilder

Action movies and politics: at first glance, they might seem as far apart as two topics can get. But upon closer inspection, we can see all kinds of interesting connections. Want to know how "The Hunger Games" relates to Hillary Clinton, what "The Dark Knight" has to do with the War on Terror, and much more? Take this class to find out.


E2471: Aliens?
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Jack Hilder

Is there life beyond Earth? The question may seem like it belongs only in science fiction movies, but by using principles of Astronomy, Geology, and Biology, we can actually make a fairly educated guess whether or not we're sharing the Universe. Take this class to learn how.


E2473: Fact or (Science) Fiction? Writing and Reading Science Journalism in the Digital Age
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Aviva Abusch

Every day, we read headlines that claim to feature a major breakthrough in scientific research. But too often, pop science journalists fill our news with exaggerated (or false) versions of research findings. Is climate change man-made? Do tacos cure cancer? By the end of class, you will be able to figure it out and start reporting!

E2476: Tragedy in Short Film Full!
Difficulty: **

What do you think of when you hear the word “tragedy”? While most people immediately think of sadness, there is much more to the genre. Explore with us the nuances of tragedy through short films, discussions, and interactive activities!


E2478: This IS Sparta
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Eli Westerman

One our most familiar images from Ancient Greece is the Spartan warrior, courageously fighting with not even a thought of surrender. Spartans like these populate the movie "300." But was this what Sparta was really like? Come and learn about Spartan history from its legendary foundation to the final surrender to the Romans.

E2479: Holy Hallucinations: Delphi
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Eli Westerman

Long, long ago, in the almost-mythical world of Ancient Greece, people went to a remote spot on the edge of the mountain. There, a hallucinating woman would speak for the god Apollo and tell people what course of action to take. Come and learn about the myth and history surrounding one of the most mysterious places in the world: Ancient Delphi.


E2480: Designer Babies and Other Ways Science Fiction Has Turned into Reality Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Chloe Sales, Sophia Yin

Did you know that with new scientific techniques, it's now possible to choose your child's hair or eye color before they're born? Or that with a single strand of your hair, computers are able to construct a rendering of your face? Or that a certain type of contact lens will allow you to record and replay all your memories? We'll be exploring how new technologies are turning Science Fiction into reality, and we'll discuss both the good and bad things that come with humans' incredible ability to do the impossible.

None! All are welcome!

E2482: Breaking Down Foreign Aid
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Fatima Kahbi

What happens to your dollar when you donate to Rwanda Aid? What kind of things do you need to think about when you are trying to make sure that your development project is impactful AND sustainable? Is foreign aid even effective? In this class, we will think about difficulties that aid groups, recipient governments, communities, and donating governments face when trying to have a successful aid project. Major themes of this course include accountability, community ownership, funding sources, effectiveness, short-term and long-term goals, and much more.

Be interested in learning about the mechanics of foreign aid!

Difficulty: *

Welcome, ye young padawans.
We shall initiate you into the art of ULTIMATE air guitar/drums/clarinet/violin/etc. Come prepared to ROCK YOUR WORLD. We will watch performances of THE AIR MASTERS and practice techniques.


Air Guitar Basics I / Advanced Air Drum & Dance II / Complex Air Break Dance & Hovering / Air Music Theory / Rad Dance Skills 4000 / Dance Dance Revolution The Original / Advanced Head Banging (JK -- all you need is excitement!)

E2487: How to Be a Clairvoyant Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Roger Ko

This course is a very basic and non-mathematically rigorous introduction to statistical and machine learning approaches to prediction.

Basic math (Cartesian coordinate system, y = ax+b, etc)

E2474: POE-try: The Raven in Pop Culture
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Madeleine Hutchins

A look at the influence of American poet Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven" in pop culture, mostly through film, television, and music (although there have been many literary influences). Exploration of why this poem has been so influential.

Familiarity with the poem/Poe would be helpful but unnecessary