Splash Biography
YOOKYUNG KWAK, Yale sophomore studying Literature
Major: Literature College/Employer: Yale Year of Graduation: 2019 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Literature Major. Timothy Dwight '19. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E2822: Intro to Philosophy in Sprout Fall 17 (Sep. 30 - Oct. 14, 2017)
You've probably heard of thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Kant (pretentious people like to throw around their names a lot), but how much do you know about their ideas and beliefs? If you're interested in learning about their philosophies (or if you just want to see what all the hype is about), come to Intro to Philosophy! Think you KANT handle it? Don't worry! This course will be designed to be accessible to everyone, not just those who have had previous exposure to philosophy (and there's more puns where that came from). Hope to see you there!
H2599: Logic in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
Do you want to learn how to NEVER BE WRONG ever again? Well, this class doesn't cover that, but it will teach you the basics of logic and reasoning so that you can avoid making simple mistakes and become that much more rational! Come learn about logical fallacies, the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning, and more!
E2428: Free Will in Sprout Spring 17 (Feb. 11 - 25, 2017)
Is choice a myth? Do we have any real control over our lives, or are our actions and values just a product of external causes? This class will explore the philosophy of free will, as well as alternatives to it like determinism and compatibilism. We'll also discuss the implications of free will (or the lack thereof) on morality, law, religion, etc.
H2233: Logic in Splash Fall 16 (Nov. 05, 2016)
Do you want to learn how to NEVER BE WRONG ever again? Well, this class doesn't cover that, but it will teach you the basics of logic and reasoning so that you can avoid making simple mistakes and become that much more rational! Come learn about logical fallacies, the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning, and more!
E2152: The Age-Old Battle: Reason vs. Passion in Sprout Fall 16 (Oct. 01 - 15, 2016)
From cartoonists to philosophers to playwrights to novelists, people have written extensively on the relationship between reason and passion. This class will focus two specific philosophers, Plato and Hume, who took differing sides in this age-old argument.