Splash Biography

JAYNE GREEN, YUMEI Yale Campus Chair

Major: Ethics, Politics, and Economics

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Jayne Green

Brief Biographical Sketch:

The Yale Undergraduate Mindfulness Education Initiative is a volunteer program that teaches New Haven children and teenagers how to manage stress and improve mental wellness through mindfulness. Our interactive workshop helps deconstruct what stress is, where it comes from, what mindfulness is, how mindfulness can help with stress, and how ANYONE can practice mindfulness. Come to our workshop to help get in touch with your own stress and find ways to handle it!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X2501: Mindfulness and Stress Tolerance in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
Learn to identify and better manage stress through mindfulness, a simple way of thinking that anyone can do.

C2436: Mindfulness and Stress Tolerance in Sprout Spring 17 (Feb. 11 - 25, 2017)
Learn to identify and better manage stress through mindfulness, a simple way of thinking that anyone can do.

E2128: Mindfulness and Stress Tolerance in Sprout Fall 16 (Oct. 01 - 15, 2016)
Learn to identify and better manage stress through mindfulness, a simple way of thinking that anyone can do.

X2052: Mindfulness and Stress Tolerance in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 02, 2016)
Learn to identify and better manage stress through mindfulness, a simple way of thinking that anyone can do.