Splash Biography

ADRIEN GAU, Yale junior studying paleontology - archosaurs

Major: Paleontology

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Adrien Gau

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S2749: What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur? in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for about 185 million years, encompassing an incredibly vast range of physical forms and roaming everywhere from North America to Antarctica. But in that period from 250 million years ago to 66 million years ago, they weren't alone; alongside them were monsters the size of giraffes flying through the skies, ocean leviathans that gobbled up T.rexes that strayed too far from land, and hidden beasts in the forests stealthily watching all those that wandered into their territory. How do paleontologists classify the differences between dinosaurs and other creatures? Why did these differences evolve in the first place? Are there dinosaurs today? Or to summarize our questions: What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur? Come find out and bring any questions you may have about dinosaurs or other prehistoric creatures!

X2752: The Biology of Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
You may already know that gender is a social construct, but did you know that sex is also a social construct? What is a social construct anyway? Did you know both gender and sex are nonbinary (i.e. not just "male" and "female")? How did homosexuality evolve--and why should we /not/ be looking for "the gay gene"? What does any of this have to do with the patriarchy? And what are the implications for human rights activists? Come prepared for some biology and theory, and come with any questions about gender, sex, and sexuality.

S1960: What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur? in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 02, 2016)
Dinosaurs are really cool. There are a lot of other prehistoric creatures that are also really cool, however, and thus people mix dinosaurs and non-dinosaurs up all the time. We've also made a lot of new discoveries about dinosaurs that haven't seemed to reach pop culture yet, Jurassic World being a prime, disappointing example. So if you're interested in finding out what really makes a dinosaur a dinosaur, well, I guess this is the class for you. Bring all and any dinosaur questions you might've had since you were 5, as well as a willingness to accept the fact that T. rex probably had feathers. You wouldn't believe the amount of literature--and public stubbornness--that attempts to disprove the idea of feathered dinosaurs.

X1961: The Art of Nudging: How to Change People's Behaviors in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 02, 2016)
We all know that humans are fallible, easily-persuaded creatures. What you may not know is that we are also all Choice Architects--that is, we all, to an extent, construct the way other people make decisions and judgments. Learn how you can use this to your advantage and nudge people toward certain actions and decisions*, given a certain stimulus, circumstance, and desired outcome--and how sometimes you get the completely opposite result instead. *I am not advocating for mind control. Never use behavioral psychology for evil!

S1733: What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur? in Splash Fall 15 (Nov. 14, 2015)
Dinosaurs are really cool. There are a lot of other prehistoric creatures that are also really cool, however, and people mix dinosaurs and non-dinosaurs up all the time. We've also made a lot of new discoveries about dinosaurs that haven't reached pop culture (or were completely ignored as in the case of Jurassic World). So if you're interested in finding out what is and isn't a dinosaur, well, I guess this is the class for you! Bring all and any dinosaur questions you might've had since you were 5 years old but your parents couldn't answer, as well as a willingness to accept the fact that T. rex probably had feathers. (You wouldn't believe the amount of literature--and public stubbornness--that attempts to disprove the idea of feathered dinosaurs.)

S1638: What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur? in Splash Summer 15 (Jul. 25 - 26, 2015)
Dinosaurs are really cool. There are a lot of other prehistoric creatures that are also really cool, however, and people mix dinosaurs and non-dinosaurs up all the time. We've also made a lot of new discoveries about dinosaurs that haven't reached pop culture (or were completely ignored as in the case of Jurassic World). So if you're interested in finding out what is and isn't a dinosaur, well, I guess this is the class for you! Bring all and any dinosaur questions you might've had since you were 5 years old but your parents couldn't answer, as well as a willingness to accept the fact that T. rex probably had feathers. (You wouldn't believe the amount of literature--and public stubbornness--that attempts to disprove the idea of feathered dinosaurs.)

S1574: What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur? in Splash Spring 15 (Apr. 04, 2015)
Dinosaurs are really cool. There are a lot of other prehistoric creatures that are also really cool, however, and thus people mix dinosaurs and non-dinosaurs up all the time. We've also made a lot of new discoveries about dinosaurs that haven't seemed to reach pop culture yet, and movies like the upcoming Jurassic World only spit on the face of paleontology. So if you're interested in finding out what really makes a dinosaur a dinosaur, well, I guess this is the class for you. Bring all and any dinosaur questions you might've had since you were 5 years old but your parents couldn't answer, as well as a willingness to accept the fact that T. rex probably had feathers. You wouldn't believe the amount of literature--and public stubbornness--that attempts to disprove the idea of feathered dinosaurs.