Splash Biography

EUGINE SZETO, learning enthusiast

Major: Computer Science

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Eugine Szeto

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Things I do for fun (in no particular order): tennis, ping pong, hiking, biking, reading, watching TED talks, watching Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, or Trevor Noah, traveling

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M3132: Blockchain and Bitcoin in Splash Spring 18 (Apr. 07, 2018)
You might have heard of Bitcoins, but do you know why it's so exciting? How does it work and why is blockchain one of the most exciting new technologies of computer science? We'll try to answer those questions in this class.

M3135: Coding Challenges in Splash Spring 18 (Apr. 07, 2018)
We'll go through one or two coding challenges. We will start with coming up with ideas for problems, then writing pseudocode, then writing actual code, and we will work at debugging any problems in that code. If we have time, we will discuss ways of improving the solution we have, such as improving coding style and optimality of the code.

X3136: Design and Human Intuition in Splash Spring 18 (Apr. 07, 2018)
Why are some product designs good and why are some product designs bad? What counts as good or bad product design? We'll look at some examples in this class, and we will try to see how the underlying human factors lead to good and bad designs. As a simple illustration, have encountered a door where you immediately want to pull the door only to find out that you have to push the door to open it?

S2939: Experiments in Psychology in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 11, 2017)
We'll be going through a variety of interesting experiments in the field of psychology. These experiments will include concepts from social psychology and decision making. We will talk about bystander effect, attention blindness, the Milgram experiment, heuristics, and biases, and others. We will also talk about the statistical techniques required to make experiments valid.

M2940: Coding Challenges in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 11, 2017)
We'll go through one or two coding challenges using Python 3 (or a language of your choice). We will start with coming up with ideas for problems, then writing pseudocode, then writing actual code, and we will work at debugging any problems in that code. If we have time, we will discuss ways of improving the solution we have, such as improving coding style and optimality of the code.

X2661: The Theory of Decision Making in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
Oftentimes, people make decisions that they do not agree with in hindsight. We will examine the factors that led to those decisions using cognitive, social, and economic standpoints. Finally, we will consider how we can exploit the theories of decision-making to influence others' decisions.

X2000: Experiments in Psychology in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 02, 2016)
We'll be going through a variety of interesting experiments in the field of psychology. These experiments will include concepts from social psychology and decision making. You will be participants in some of these experiments. We will also talk about why experiments might be valid.