Splash Biography
JAMIE BINGHAM, Post -Graduate Researcher - Yale OB/GYN Department
Major: OB/GYN College/Employer: Yale School of Medicine Year of Graduation: 2015 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)A2017: Conquering Our Fears: Public Speaking Edition in Splash Spring 16 (Apr. 02, 2016)
Are you petrified of public speaking? Does the thought of large groups make you queasy? Have you contemplated skipping town on the days when you have oral presentations? If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions - this class is for you!
My class will provide you with lots of fun and informative ways to be a successful public speaker. We will talk delivery, content and more as we delve into the dying art of oratory.
In addition to learning the tricks of the trade we will be having a small, friendly, competition for everyone willing to participate that will involve some cool prizes. Keep in mind that participation in the competition is completely voluntary so those of you who are still a little shy are more than welcome to join the fun!
X1614: Conquering Our Fears: Public Speaking Edition in Splash Summer 15 (Jul. 25 - 26, 2015)
Are you petrified of public speaking? Does the thought of large groups make you queasy? Have you contemplating skipping town on the days when you have oral presentations? If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions - this class is for you!
My class will provide you with lots of fun and informative ways to be a successful public speaker. We will talk delivery, content and more as we delve into the dying art of oratory.
In addition to learning the tricks of the trade we will be having a small, friendly, competition for everyone willing to participate that will involve some cool prizes. Keep in mind that participation in the competition is completely voluntary so those of you who are still a little shy are more than welcome to join the fun!
F485: Fascinating Flora: Exploring local plant life and it's uses, both medicinal and recreational. in Splash Summer 13 (Jul. 06 - 27, 2013)
In this course we will be learning about many of the local plants right here in New Haven! We will explore how each one can be used either in medicine or in recreation. Some plants can be used to make teas for illness or ointments for burns and scrapes, others can be used for biofuels or for tools like rope. Come and discover all if the possibilities that are growing in your own backyard! [4-week class]