Splash Biography


Major: Astrophysics

College/Employer: Harvard University

Year of Graduation: 2020

Picture of Shelly Tsirulik

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S2529: Leaving Planet Earth in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
Earth is a ticking time bomb! Eventually, Earth will become completely unfit for human life, and humanity will cease to exist! Unless…we LEAVE. Who ever said we have to stay on Earth? The universe is unimaginably big. The question is not “Can we go?" but rather, “Where should we go?" This class will explore where the next human civilizations will be built, ranging from more popular ideas - the Moon? Mars? - to some you probably didn’t even know were possible, like building a civilization in the middle of space.

S2539: Leaving Planet Earth in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
Earth is a ticking time bomb! Eventually, Earth will become completely unfit for human life, and humanity will cease to exist! Unless…we LEAVE. Who ever said we have to stay on Earth? The universe is unimaginably big. The question is not “Can we go?" but rather, “Where should we go?" This class will explore where the next human civilizations will be built, ranging from more popular ideas - the Moon? Mars? - to some you probably didn’t even know were possible, like building a civilization in the middle of space.