Splash Biography

SELIN GOREN, Yale junior majoring in Environmental Studies

Major: EVST

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2024

Picture of Selin Goren

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Selin Goren (she/her) is a Yale junior majoring in Environmental Studies and Energy Studies. She is from Turkey and is engaged in climate advocacy in her hometown, Istanbul. She’s passionate about the green energy transition of companies and cities, youth participation in climate politics, along with the intersectionality of environmental justice. At Yale, she's working as one of the Sustainability Liaisons of Timothy Dwight College, a student research assistant at Yale Carbon Containment Lab and the Student Director for EVST.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S4626: Lighting Up the World with Water in Splash Fall 2022 (Oct. 29, 2022)
Have you ever felt swept away by the power of a rushing river? Have you ever wondered how your room lights up with the flick of a switch? Did you know that these two processes can be connected? Join us in learning about the wonderful world of hydropower, where turbines can turn water into light. This course will provide an overview of the fundamental physics and technology of hydropower, impacts on people and the environment, current innovations in the field, and the ways hydropower can help us fight climate change. We will explore the Rocky River Hydroelectric Power Plant, the first major pumped-storage hydroelectric project in the USA, as an example of hydropower innovation, along with several other examples of hydropower around the world. Get ready to dive in!