Splash Biography
DAVID BRUNS-SMITH, Yale sophomore who loves computers
Major: Electrical Engineering/CS College/Employer: Yale Year of Graduation: 2015 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I'm a Yale sophomore and hail from the midwest (represent (St. Louis, MO, to be specific)). I'm studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a particularly strong interest in Computer Architecture and Computational Neuroscience. I have some interests, here's some in alphabetical order Here are some bands I like (also alphabetized): And as a final credential: I spent my last summer applying Information Theory and Graph Theory to the analysis of neural networks, studying possible ways to "cure" stroke. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E1502: Building Brains: Introduction to Neuromorphic Engineering in Splash Spring 15 (Apr. 04, 2015)
This class is a broad introduction to the field of Neuromorphic Engineering. The human brain is an absolutely incredible piece of machinery capable of doing a staggering number of computations every second. Neuromorphic engineering aims at copying the structure of the brain both to build better technology and to at the same time better understand how the brain works.
T581: Introduction to Computer Architecture in Sprout Fall 13 (Oct. 05 - 19, 2013)
Intro to the basics of Computer Engineering. Includes a study of logic, arithmetic, and memory. With these building blocks in place we can discuss how a simple processor actually works. May get into some unusual computer designs like supercomputers and mobile phone processors.
Teaches some basic principles of design to start thinking about your own computer architectures!
No coding experience necessary.
M293: How Graphics Cards Work: From iMovie to Video Games in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 06, 2013)
An introduction to how the Video/Graphics cards in a modern computer really work. How can they make videos and games run smoother, faster, and prettier? How would you design a graphics card?
After some background material on computer processors we'll study Graphics Processing Units (GPU's) with some examples from Nvidia/ATI Radeon (the major graphics card companies). At the end of the class, students can draw their own (simple) Graphics Card design.
S294: Building a Brain in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 06, 2013)
If you find human brains fascinating and want to know how to create your own, this is the class for you. This course is an introduction to Computational Neuroscience: how to build brains on a computer. We'll go into basic modeling and simulation of parts of the brain, starting with single neurons, building up to small neural circuits, and then taking a look at models of a whole brain.
Students will learn the basic principles of these models and how make them on their own if they'd like to do their own experiments.