Splash Biography

NOORA SAID, studying biology, sociology, and french

Major: E&EB/French

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Noora Said

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Born in Racine, Wisconsin, Noora is a
sophomore Yale student interested in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and sociology, as well as French. When she isn't doing her typical *intellectual* activities, Noora enjoys reading dramatic French novels, painting, collecting eccentric glasses, and making memes.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A4231: A New, Fantastic Point of View: History and Politics of Aladdin in Splash Spring 2020 (Apr. 11, 2020)
Ever wanted to sit down and unpack one of the greatest Disney films of all time? Feel like talking about magic, flying carpets, genies, and fabulous storytelling? If so, this crash course on everything you may not know about Aladdin-- but definitely should-- is for you! Join us as we explore the themes and evolution of the tale, from its origin in the Arabian Nights collection, to its adaptations by modern filmmakers.