Splash Biography

MAYA GARDOS, Shakespeare Nerd

Major: Not available.

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Maya Gardos

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi! My name is Maya and I am a Yale freshman. I am undecided at the moment, but I am thinking of majoring in political science, English, or humanities! I am extremely passionate and love to learn about literature, theater, and the impact of media. In my free time, I go on walks, read, and eat lots of dessert.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H4717: Shakespeare and You in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 01, 2023)
Why is a playwright who died hundreds of years ago still so celebrated today? Why should we make the journey through his difficult language? In short, what makes Shakespeare so meaningful? This course aims to answer these questions. It introduces students to the enduring impact Shakespeare has on the modern world and can have on each of us. We will go through a quick presentation on who Shakespeare was, go over a sonnet or two, and perform a scene together!

A4571: Shakespeare and You in Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 16, 2022)
Why is a playwright who died hundreds of years ago still so celebrated today? Why should we make the journey through his difficult language? In short, what makes Shakespeare so meaningful? This course aims to answer these questions. It introduces students to the enduring impact Shakespeare has on the modern world and can have on each of us. We will go through a quick presentation on who Shakespeare was, go over a sonnet or two, and perform a scene together!

E4535: Shakespeare and You in Sprout Spring 2022 (Feb. 19 - Mar. 05, 2022)
Why is a playwright who died hundreds of years ago still so celebrated today? Why should we make the journey through his difficult language? In short, what makes Shakespeare so meaningful? This course aims to answer these questions. It introduces students to the enduring impact Shakespeare has on the modern world and can have on each of us. We will go through a quick presentation on who Shakespeare was, go over a sonnet or two, and perform a scene together!

A4472: Shakespeare and You in Splash Fall 2021 (Nov. 13, 2021)
Why is a playwright who died hundreds of years ago still so celebrated today? Why should we make the journey through his difficult language? In short, what makes Shakespeare so meaningful? This course aims to answer these questions. It introduces students to the enduring impact Shakespeare has on the modern world and can have on each of us. We will go through a quick presentation on who Shakespeare was, go over a sonnet or two, and perform a scene together!