Splash Biography

MADISON BUTCHKO, Aspiring Writer and Physicist

Major: Physics/ East Asian Studies

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2026

Picture of Madison Butchko

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Madison Butchko is a physics and East Asian studies major with a passion for both scientific inquiry and storytelling. Her most recent research focuses on Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) and their applications in computational modeling of volcanoes. Beyond research, she writes personal essays and fictional stories.

Madison enjoys baking, playing classical piano, drawing, and calligraphy, often creating intricate mandalas. She loves exploring and taking long walks. Above all, her curiosity fuels her love for speculative fiction, where she weaves together science, religion, and storytelling to explore profound questions about the human experience.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A5101: The Future Written Before Us: Science Fiction’s Influence on History and Innovation in Splash Spring 2025 (Mar. 02, 2025)
What if I told you that Star Trek helped invent the cell phone, or that 1984 predicted our surveillance culture? Science fiction isn’t just about wild ideas—it shapes the way we think about the future, and sometimes, it even creates it. In this class, we’ll explore how sci-fi has influenced real-world science, from AI and space travel to climate change and bioengineering. We’ll dive into utopian dreams, dystopian nightmares, and apocalyptic warnings to see how they reflect (and sometimes steer) history. Along the way, we’ll debate whether sci-fi is just good storytelling or a self-fulfilling prophecy. Expect thought-provoking discussions, fun creative exercises, and a deep dive into the power of storytelling to shape what comes next.