Splash Biography

LUKASS KELLIJS, Yale sophomore studying Applied Physics

Major: Applied Physics

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: '27

Picture of Lukass Kellijs

Brief Biographical Sketch:


My name is Lukass and I am a sophomore studying Applied Physics. I am from Riga, Latvia.

I am passionate about science education and, more specifically, am interested in machine learning, physics, enginering, and climate sciences.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S5060: The Physics of Climate Change in Splash Spring 2025 (Mar. 02, 2025)
With the consequences of climate change becoming increasingly visible around the world, discussing it has become ever more important. Yet, to fully engage in discussions about the causes, effects, and actions to solve the climate crisis, one needs a fundamental understanding of the processes that drive it. How can a gas such as CO2 (making up only 4 molecules per every 1000 molecules in the air) have such a serious effect on the planet? In this lecture, we will try to answer this and many other questions. The goal of this lecture is to build a fundamental intuition behind the “Physics of Climate Change”. We will largely be following Lawrence M. Krauss’s book of the same name and will discuss: 1) How did we discover climate change, and why is what is happening now unique in history? 2) How does climate change work? 3) Why is it serious, and why should we care? 4) What can we do about it? It is impossible to fully explain all the intricacies of climate change in 1 hour. However, we will do our best! We will focus on building intuition and giving you some important facts. Hopefully, you will be left feeling more informed, interested, and ready to engage in discussions about this issue. Throughout the lecture, we will look at fundamental topics in physics, such as light and radiation, energy, and thermal expansion, in an approachable (and hopefully fun!) way.

S4979: Physics of Climate Change in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 09, 2024)
With the consequences of climate change becoming increasingly visible around the world, discussing it has become ever more important. Yet, to fully engage in discussions about the causes, effects, and actions to solve the climate crisis, one needs a fundamental understanding of the processes that drive it. How can a gas such as CO2 (making up only 4 molecules per every 1000 molecules in the air) have such a serious effect on the planet? In this lecture, we will try to answer this and many other questions. The goal of this lecture is to build a fundamental intuition behind the “Physics of Climate Change”. We will largely be following Lawrence M. Krauss’s book of the same name and will discuss: 1) How did we discover climate change, and why is what is happening now unique in history? 2) How does climate change work? 3) Why is it serious, and why should we care? It is impossible to fully explain all the intricacies of climate change in 1 hour. However, we will do our best! We will focus on building intuition and giving you some important facts. Hopefully, you will be left feeling more informed, interested, and ready to engage in discussions about this issue. Throughout the lecture, we will look at fundamental topics in physics, such as light and radiation, energy, and thermal expansion, in an approachable (and hopefully fun!) way.