Splash Biography

LINDA DO, Wannabe linguist

Major: Not available.

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2027

Picture of Linda Do

Brief Biographical Sketch:

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Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H5083: So you’re a linguist? Name every language. in Splash Spring 2025 (Mar. 02, 2025)
It’s estimated that the world has about 7000 languages, yet in our lives, we’ll only ever learn a few — in this class, we’ll take a tour of some of the coolest features of the world’s languages and writing systems, and dive into all the amazing ways humans have learned to communicate different ideas. Languages without tense or word order, languages where entire complex sentences can be a single word, writing systems with 13 symbols and writing systems with 40,000 – things you didn’t even know a language could have! No background in linguistics needed — only lots of curiosity and a desire to explore.