Splash Biography

KAYLEE WALSH, Yale sophomore studying American history.

Major: History of Science and Medicine

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Kaylee Walsh

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi! My name is Kaylee, and I'm a sophomore at Yale in Jonathan Edwards College. I'm a history major, specializing in United States history. I've loved history my whole life (I learned to name all the US presidents when I was eight!), and definitely want to incorporate the subject into my future career. On campus, I'm a Managing Editor for the Yale Record, Yale's humor magazine, a choreographer for a dance group called Danceworks, and an intern at the Yale Alumni Magazine Office.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

E4140: The American Presidency and Lessons of Leadership in Sprout Spring 2020 (Feb. 15 - 29, 2020)
Over the past 230 years, 44 men have held the title of US President. In this class, we will take a look at the job and how it's been shaped and scrutinized over the years. Students will have the opportunity to learn about some of these presidents and how their leadership qualities and styles influenced their actions while in office.

H3985: The American Presidency Through the Ages in Splash Fall 2019 (Nov. 16, 2019)
Over the past 230 years, 44 men have held the title of US President. In this class, we will take a look at the job and how it's been shaped and scrutinized over the years. Students will have an opportunity to learn more about an individual president, consider how each president fits into the nation's timeline, and discuss the connection between race, gender, class, power, and the Oval Office.

E3840: The American Presidency Through the Ages in Sprout Fall 2019 (Sep. 28 - Oct. 12, 2019)
Over the past 230 years, 44 men have held the title of US President. In this class, we will take a look at the job and how it's been shaped and scrutinized over the years. Students will have an opportunity to learn more about an individual president, consider how each president fits into the nation's timeline, and discuss the connection between race, gender, class, power, and the Oval Office.