Splash Biography

JUSTIN WANG, B.A. philosophy, conc. psychology (27)

Major: Not available.

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2027

Picture of Justin Wang

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Justin Wang is a Yale sophomore studying philosophy and concentrating in psychology. At Yale, he acts as a Writing Partner for the Poorvu Centre of Teaching and Learning, and a director for Sprout at Yale. He is also an analytical writing tutor, having worked with G5-10 students in various bootcamps for ElevatEd.school.

Besides teaching, Justin is a member of Yale a cappella and is musical director for the production, ‘Songs for a New World’. He is also a classical pianist, jazz drummer, and an avid etymologist!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H4910: Why do we hate? in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 06, 2024)
Why do we get angry at others for their opinions? Why do we hate them? This course will attempt to answer these questions from an interdisciplinary lens, drawing on everything from ancient philosophy to modern-day psychology and neuroscience! All this will culminate in a discussion of the ethical implications of hating someone.

S4769: Why we hate… in Splash Fall 2023 (Nov. 11, 2023)
(…others for their opinion) Why do you think we hate other people? More importantly, is it okay for us to hate others? This course will begin to explore some of the underlying psychological phenomena that cause us to act with prejudice towards other people - both conscious and unconscious! We’ll also potentially explore some of the moral ramifications of these phenomena…