Splash Biography

JULIA LEVY, Yale Junior Astrophysics & Computer Science Major

Major: Astrophysics & Computer Science

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Julia Levy

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am an imaginative person who takes my passion for learning with me everyday. I especially love researching space and reading science fiction. I am very excited to be at Splash!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M4832: Introduction to Desmos in Splash Spring 2024 (Apr. 06, 2024)
Who says math has to be boring? Welcome to Desmos! We will learn the simple ways to graph functions and make them move using sliders. We will explore how to use Desmos from the tasks for your homework to making an awesome project! Class will be taught by an International Desmos Art Finalist.

M4565: Introduction to Desmos in Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 16, 2022)
Who says math has to be boring? Welcome to Desmos! We will learn the simple ways to graph functions and make them move using sliders. We will explore how to use Desmos from the tasks for your homework to making an awesome project! Class will be taught by an International Desmos Art Finalist.

E4525: Introduction to Desmos in Sprout Spring 2022 (Feb. 19 - Mar. 05, 2022)
Who says math has to be boring? Welcome to Desmos! We will learn the simple ways to graph functions and make them move using sliders. We will explore how to use Desmos from the tasks for your homework to making an awesome project! Class will be taught by an International Desmos Art Finalist.

E4442: Introduction to Desmos in Sprout Fall 2021 (Oct. 02 - 16, 2021)
Who says math has to be boring? Welcome to Desmos! We will learn the simple ways to graph functions and make them move using sliders. We will explore how to use Desmos from the boring stuff for your homework to making an awesome project! Class will be taught by an International Desmos Art Finalist.

M4465: Introduction to Desmos in Splash Fall 2021 (Nov. 13, 2021)
Who says math has to be boring? Welcome to Desmos! We will learn the simple ways to graph functions and make them move using sliders. We will explore how to use Desmos from the tasks for your homework to making an awesome project! Class will be taught by an International Desmos Art Finalist.