Splash Biography

JASON YOUNG, Yale Junior and French Major

Major: French; E&EB

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2016

Picture of Jason Young

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hiya! Im a junior in SY majoring in French (and possibly evolutionary biology also? I dont really know yet). I've always been interested in food, cuisine, and the concept of the food system, and I recently took a year off of Yale to attend culinary school in Paris to earn my certifications as a chef and pastry chef at Le Cordon Bleu. I am now back at Yale and eager to share what I have learned and hopefully help educate people I meet about the perils of the American food system and how we can avoid them. Aside from my culinary and academic pursuits, I am also an editor for the Yale Scientific Magazine and Captain of the Yale Equestrian Team.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X1598: Rescuing the American Food System in Splash Summer 15 (Jul. 25 - 26, 2015)
Estimate show that over 30% of adults in the US are obese and over 60% are overweight. Unfortunately, these figures are only rising. What is it about the US that is so "unhealthy"? More importantly, what can we do about it? This course will provide a brief introduction to some of the major problems which plague in the American food system and discuss ways we can help rescue our nation's food landscape.

X1509: Rescuing the American Food System in Splash Spring 15 (Apr. 04, 2015)
Estimate show that over 30% of adults in the US are obese and over 60% are overweight. Unfortunately, these figures are only rising. What is it about the US that is so "unhealthy"? More importantly, what can we do about it? This course will provide a brief introduction to some of the major problems which plague in the American food system and discuss ways we can help rescue our nation's food landscape.

E1375: Rescuing the American Food System in Sprout Spring 15 (Feb. 14 - 28, 2015)
Estimate show that over 30% of adults in the US are obese and over 60% are overweight. Unfortunately, these figures are only rising. What is it about the US that is so "unhealthy"? More importantly, what can we do about it? This course will provide a brief introduction to some of the major problems which plague in the American food system and discuss ways we can help rescue our nation's food landscape.

X1262: Rescuing the American Food System in Splash Fall 14 (Nov. 08, 2014)
Estimate show that over 30% of adults in the US are obese and over 60% are overweight. Unfortunately, these figures are only rising. What is it about the US that is so "unhealthy"? More importantly, what can we do about it? This course will provide a brief introduction to some of the major problems which plague in the American food system and discuss ways we can help rescue our nation's food landscape.

E1191: Rescuing the American Food System in Sprout Fall 2014 (Oct. 04 - 18, 2014)
Estimate show that over 30% of adults in the US are obese and over 60% are overweight. Unfortunately, these figures are only rising. What is it about the US that is so "unhealthy"? More importantly, what can we do about it? This course will provide a brief introduction to some of the major problems which plague in the American food system and discuss ways we can help rescue our nation's food landscape.