Splash Biography


Major: Statistics and Data Science

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2019

Picture of Gena Coblentz

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

E3358: Data Literacy for Social Justice in Sprout Fall 18 (Sep. 29 - Oct. 13, 2018)
Join us for a practical, engaging, and impactful class on data literacy! We live in an increasingly data-driven world, so it is important as ever that we harness the power of data to reveal important issues in our communities and inform effective strategies for social justice. Students will have the opportunity to work hands-on with real data and learn about relevant social justice issues at a local, national, and international scale.

M3215: Data Literacy for Social Justice in Splash Spring 18 (Apr. 07, 2018)
Join us for a practical, engaging, and impactful class on data literacy! We live in an increasingly data-driven world, so it is important as ever that we harness the power of data to reveal important issues in our communities and inform effective strategies for social justice. Students will have the opportunity to work hands-on with real data and learn about relevant social justice issues at a local, national, and international scale.