Splash Biography

DAVID GAETANO, Yale first-year studying mechanical engineering

Major: Mechanical Engineering

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2026

Picture of David Gaetano

Brief Biographical Sketch:

My name is David Gaetano, and I am a first-year at Yale, studying mechanical engineering. On campus I am involved in various activities and organizations such as the Yale Scientific Magazine, YETI Tutoring, and FIRST Robotics at Yale. I can't wait to see you at Splash!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H4742: French Through Conversation in Splash Spring 2023 (Apr. 01, 2023)
In this course we will together learn how to make a good first impression in French. Conversation is a language learning model that is invaluable in retaining and adapting to new langauges. Through speaking and listening to each other, we will create a solid foundation in French while learning about why the French language is so great. I hope to see you all at Splash!

M4664: Chips, Guac, and Calculus in Splash Fall 2022 (Oct. 29, 2022)
Come learn about the basics of calculus in its most fun form: FOOD!! Math, and calculus in particular, is too often portrayed as a boring subject. Enroll in this section to learn just why calculus and math, in general, can be fun and filled with exploration and discovery. No prior knowledge of calculus is required, and I will go over every concept from the most fundamental level. The majority of the class will be taught conceptually, so all you need is a desire to learn something new and an appetite for some snacks.