Splash Biography

CALEB KIM, Yale first-year who is undecided on a major.

Major: Psychology

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2021

Picture of Caleb Kim

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I come from Dacula, GA a town about an hour away from Atlanta. It's a suburban-rural environment. Not rural enough to be fields of cotton, but rural enough to see a cow or two if you drive a few miles. I like to both watch and play a part in theater. I love to laugh, and very easily do so.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H3439: Introduction to Korean in Splash Fall 2018 (Oct. 27, 2018)
An introduction to Korean! We will learn about the Korean alphabet, Hangul: how you can use it, its history, and what makes it so amazing! A very interactive and fun class that will let you walk out of the room feeling like you've learned the basics of a new language!

H2890: Introduction to Korean in Splash Fall 17 (Nov. 11, 2017)
An introduction to Korean! We will learn about the Korean alphabet, Hangul: how you can use it, its history, and what makes it so amazing! A very interactive and fun class that will let you walk out of the room feeling like you've learned the basics of a new language!