Splash Biography
BRIANA SILVA, Uni. of Hartford Neuroscience graduate student
Major: Neuroscience College/Employer: University of Hartford Year of Graduation: G |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I am a second year Masters of Science neuroscience graduate student of the University of Hartford, with the expected graduation date of May 2018. I graduated from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. in May 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Cell Biology and minor in Psychology. I am originally from Jersey City, NJ, across from lower Manhattan. I currently teach Anatomy and Physiology 2 lab at the University of Hartford, which covers hands on laboratory exercises using anatomical models on the endocrine system, blood cells, the lymphatic system and much more on the human body! My special academic and research interests are white matter neurological diseases, specifically, Multiple Sclerosis, and in my spare time, I love to binge watch movies, T.V. shows, travel, hike, cook, and try new restaurants! I am eager to learn more about the exciting world of science and I hope you are too! Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E3060: Now You See It, Now You Don't! Your Brain and Memory in Sprout Spring 18 (Feb. 17 - Mar. 03, 2018)
Ever wonder how your brain remembers the lyrics to Taylor Swift's newest songs? How about recognizing your best friend's face and where they live? Have you ever remembered something incorrectly you thought you knew? This course will talk about how good (or not!) your brain is at remembering details when you are a witness to an important event! We will talk about how the brain actually makes false memories and sometimes, what we think we actually "remember" turns out to not be so accurate after all! Fun experiments in class to test your memory! Come join this class and we will put your memory to the test!
E3061: Let's Get Down to Dissection! Sheep Brain Dissection and Anatomy of the Brain Explained in Sprout Spring 18 (Feb. 17 - Mar. 03, 2018)
Have you ever seen a real brain in person before? Would you like to hold one in your very hands? Do you know the different anatomical parts of the brain and what their function is? In this class, I will dissect a sheep brain right in front of your very eyes and answer any and all questions you have about each part of this fascinating organ! Together, we will locate and identify both important internal and external parts of the sheep brain and talk about why they are necessary!
**Any student who does not want to see an actual sheep brain should not sign up for this class.**
S2533: Cultivating Loneliness: Why Human Beings Need Love and What Makes Us Tick in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
We know, evolutionarily, that human beings are social creatures who seek the approval of others, but what happens to our brain chemistry when we feel hurt, sad, or rejected? Are the brains of lonely people different from others' brains, and what can be done to help those who feel isolated? This course will cover all of these topics, going into detail about the brain chemistry behind relationships, human behavior, personality traits, and the genetic link that ties it all together. From the evolutionary need to have friends, to the neuroscience of making lasting social bonds and how this helps people to have better, stronger, and mentally healthier lives together.
S2534: Innovations Over Time: Science Throughout the Years into Modern Day in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
Every great piece of technology, from something as simple as the petri dish, to something as life-saving as an MRI machine, all started from the great ideas and trial and error of budding scientists like you and me. This course walks you through some of the greatest discoveries of all time, with a primary focus on the innovations of the scientific community, from the discovery of DNA with Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick, to the creation of life-saving medications like penicillin and insulin. This course will walk you through how some of the most brilliant minds in history made scientific discoveries and how these innovations have been perfected in the 21st century.
S2535: How We Think: Your Brain the Full-Time Superhero in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
Have you ever wondered about the inner workings of your incredible brain? On average, your brain is 3 pounds and 2% of your total body weight, yet it controls every aspect of your life: regulating your breathing, remembering your loved ones' birthdays, remembering lyrics to your favorite song, crying and laughing, catching a ball, and walking. This course will walk you through cognition - the ability to think, analyze, access, and do what we do everyday, all of which the brain processes in milliseconds. This course will also discuss how different species think, and why animals can’t do quantum physics or do the same rational thinking as humans.
S2536: Why Don't We Have an HIV Vaccine Yet?: A 21st Century Look at a Promising Future in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
The science, politics, and controversy surrounding HIV and AIDS since their discovery place HIV among the most intriguing retroviruses to be studied in human beings. This course will walk you through the theorized origins of HIV in human and primate populations, how it spread slowly through the decades, signs and symptoms of HIV, and the ongoing developments in the 21st century towards developing an HIV vaccine that will work for all people. This course will discuss current and ongoing clinical trials of promising HIV vaccines and how a successful HIV vaccine would have a major impact on the global world for generations to come.
S2537: Your Brain on Language: Can You Hear Me Now? in Splash Spring 17 (Apr. 08, 2017)
This course walks you through the history of language, how it originated millions of years ago, and how the brain processes speech. This course will also discuss questions regarding how modern technology helps or hinders our ability to understand language, and how smartphones might rewire our brains. Further topics to be discussed include whether both hemispheres of the brain are needed for language, whether men and women hear language the same way, and how being bilingual or multilingual can enhance your brain.