Splash Biography
JASON PARISI, Yale Physics Undergraduate
Major: Physics College/Employer: Yale Year of Graduation: 2016 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
I'm a physics major at Yale University. I'm interested in a wide range of physics, particularly physics beyond the standard model, conformal field theories, quantum gravity, and nuclear physics. I do research with the particle theory group here at Yale. In my spare time I love to go on long walks and to train for triathlons! Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)E1687: The Standard Model of Particle Physics in Sprout Fall 15 (Oct. 03 - 17, 2015)
The Standard Model is arguably the pinnacle of physical models we have built to describe fundamental particle interactions. There are some very profound and simple symmetry arguments that underly all particle interactions, and we will introduce these to you! We will also briefly discuss possible extensions to the Standard Model.
S1600: Introduction to Plasma Physics in Splash Summer 15 (Jul. 25 - 26, 2015)
Plasmas can exhibit all types of fascinating non-linear behavior! From nuclear fusion to particle accelerators, from stars to the quark-gluon plasma that formed just after the Big Bang, understanding plasmas is crucial to our understanding of the universe. Over 99% of all ordinary matter in the observable universe (matter, which interact via the Standard Model) is in the plasma state!
S1601: Black Holes in Splash Summer 15 (Jul. 25 - 26, 2015)
Black holes are some of the most fascinating objects in the observable universe. At their boundaries, general relativity and quantum mechanics both become relevant, which leads to some interesting paradoxes!
S1465: Introduction to General Relativity in Splash Spring 15 (Apr. 04, 2015)
How does energy create curvature in spacetime? We will go through the basic equations that will allow us to get a feel for Einstein's field equations. We will investigate several solutions to the field equations that have different consequences for the structure of our universe! If we have time, we will briefly discuss why it is so challenging to come up with a quantum theory of gravity, and what promising theories might look like!
H1475: Introduction to Chinese Character Etymology in Splash Spring 15 (Apr. 04, 2015)
The Chinese language uses a writing system that most of us are completely unfamiliar with: it is logographic. This means that each character has an intrinsic meaning; there are tens of thousands of these characters! This contrasts with the Latin alphabet system that characterizes most Western writing systems. In this class, we will dissect Chinese characters, looking at how the very earliest Chinese characters evolved into what they are today! By the end of this class, you should be able to accurately guess the meaning of a large number of Chinese characters, even if you have never learned Chinese.
E1381: Introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics in Sprout Spring 15 (Feb. 14 - 28, 2015)
Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulations of mechanics underlie a broad range of modern physics, from particle physics to quantum field theory. These formulations can vastly simplify very complicated calculations, and provide important insights into physical systems. Have you ever wondered why momentum is always conserved, or how to write down the equations of motion for elementary particles? This is your chance!
M1352: Introduction To Representation Theory in Splash Fall 14 (Nov. 08, 2014)
We will introduce the basics of representation theory, and run through some cool applications in particle physics, quantum mechanics, and some other areas!
E1179: Nuclear Fusion: What Really Makes the Sun Shine and Designing a Terran Nuclear Fusion Reactor in Sprout Fall 2014 (Oct. 04 - 18, 2014)
Which elementary process makes the sun emit energy, providing the opportunity for life to arise in the Solar System? We will cover the basics of the nuclear physics mainly the concept of nuclear binding energy and fission and fusion, and explore how to use this process in a controlled, useful manner in fusion reactors on Earth.