Splash Biography
ANNABEL REMUDO, Yale sophomore studying Political Science
Major: Political Science College/Employer: Yale Year of Graduation: 2022 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
My name is Annabel Remudo, and I am a sophomore at Yale studying Political Science. I am originally from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and I miss the heat! On campus, I am the Co-President of the Yale Animal Welfare Alliance and part of the Yale Student Environmental Coalition. I also do aerial silks on campus and write for The Politic. I am especially interested in the way our diets affect climate change. In the future, I hope to influence policymakers to enact laws that reduce animal cruelty and help save the planet! Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S3935: Animal Agriculture and Climate Change: Eating Sustainably in the 21st Century in Splash Fall 2019 (Nov. 16, 2019)
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding stopping climate change and reducing our carbon footprint. Yet, many people do not know that one of the most impactful ways you can help the cause is by reducing your meat consumption! In this class, we will analyze the effects of animal agriculture on the environment, animal cruelty, and global poverty. We will also look at companies and initiatives trying to tackle this problem and how they will affect the future.
S3949: Animal Agriculture and Climate Change: Eating Sustainably in the 21st Century in Splash Fall 2019 (Nov. 16, 2019)
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding stopping climate change and reducing our carbon footprint. Yet, many people do not know that one of the most impactful ways you can help the cause is by reducing your meat consumption! In this class, we will analyze the effects of animal agriculture on the environment, animal cruelty, and global poverty. We will also look at companies and initiatives trying to tackle this problem and how they will affect the future.