Splash Biography

ALEXANDER MEDEL, Yale Sophomore (Political Science and History)

Major: Political Science

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2027

Picture of Alexander Medel

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Alexander Medel is a sophomore studying Political Science and History at Yale University. His areas of interest include American politics, international relations, and political history. Outside of the classroom, he is a writes for his travel column, "On the Road," for the Yale Daily News. In addition, he is a member of the Yale College Council and the Yale Model Congress. This will also be his second time teaching for Splash at Yale. In his free time, he enjoys reading, listening to music, and going on road trips. He is from San Jose, California.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H5023: Spies and Lies: Lessons on Intelligence and Espionage in Splash Spring 2025 (Mar. 02, 2025)
James Bond. Ethan Hunt. Jack Ryan. The world of intelligence and espionage has long captivated popular culture. But what does intelligence actually look like? More importantly, what does it mean? Is it more than just wearing a suit, rappelling down a skyscraper, and looking at a stack of manila folders? This course intends to answer those questions and demystify the cloak-and-dagger work of spycraft. In doing so, its intention is that you will develop a keen understanding of intelligence and espionage in the real world. We will look at how spies conduct their work by examining the intelligence process. We will also study key players in the world of espionage, namely the members of the U.S. Intelligence Community. Lastly, we will discuss the history of modern espionage by looking at several case studies, followed by an analytical simulation where students will play the role of analysts, receive “intelligence,” and make assessments based on that knowledge.

H4975: Spies and Lies: Lessons on Intelligence and Espionage in Splash Fall 2024 (Nov. 09, 2024)
James Bond. Ethan Hunt. Jack Ryan. The world of intelligence and espionage has long captivated popular culture. But what does intelligence actually look like? More importantly, what does it mean? Is it more than just wearing a suit, rappelling down a skyscraper, and looking at a stack of manila folders? This course intends to answer those questions and demystify the cloak-and-dagger work of spycraft. In doing so, its intention is that you will develop a keen understanding of intelligence and espionage in the real world. We will look at how spies conduct their work by examining the intelligence process. We will also study key players in the world of espionage, namely the members of the U.S. Intelligence Community. Lastly, we will discuss the history of modern espionage by looking at several case studies, followed by an analytical simulation where students will play the role of analysts, receive “intelligence,” and make assessments based on that knowledge.