Splash Biography
ALARIC D'SOUZA, Yale Senior Studying Ecology and Evolutionary Bio
Major: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology College/Employer: Yale Year of Graduation: 2014 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Alaric is a Yale College student from Anaheim, CA. He graduated from Canyon High School in 2010 and will be graduating from Yale College in 2014. He is interested in Biology, specifically looking at things from an evolutionary perspective. His research currently focuses on Aedes aegypti and foraging behavior. In the past he has looked at receptors putatively involved with the phagocytosis of M.tb and antibiotic resistance in M.tb lineages. Outside of academics, his hobbies include reading science fiction/fantasy books and tumbling. After graduating from Yale College, Alaric wishes to pursue an MD/PhD dual degree. alaricdsouza.blogspot.com Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)S985: Origins of Life in Splash Spring 14 (Mar. 29, 2014)
This course will cover the main theories about the origins life, including the formation of basic biological molecules.
S1074: The Science of Ice Cream in Splash Spring 14 (Mar. 29, 2014)
We will be exploring the science behind making ice cream and learning about the different ways it is made before trying out some experiments of our own. Due to time constraints we will be using liquid nitrogen to freeze the ice cream. Come hungry!
S673: The Origins of Life in Splash Fall 13 (Nov. 09, 2013)
All of the complex and intricately connected components of a cell - like lipids providing compartments, proteins carrying out cellular operations, and DNA storing genetic information - arise through simple chemistry. In this course, we'll go back billions of years to see how the earliest versions of life-like things could have emerged from nothing but the available chemicals and environments of a young Earth. We'll survey basic biochemical molecules and consider how they might have been made and used by the first cell, the ancestor to all living things.
S783: The Science of Ice Cream in Splash Fall 13 (Nov. 09, 2013)
We will be exploring the science behind making ice cream and learning about the different ways it is made before trying out some experiments of our own. Due to time constraints we will be using liquid nitrogen to freeze the ice cream. Come hungry!
S303: Origins of Life in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 06, 2013)
This course will cover the main theories about the origins life, including the formation of basic biological molecules.
S376: The Science of Ice Cream in Splash Spring 13 (Apr. 06, 2013)
We will be exploring the science behind making ice cream and learning about the different ways it is made before trying out some experiments of our own. Due to time constraints we will be using liquid nitrogen to freeze the ice cream. Come hungry!
S245: The Science of Ice Cream in Splash Fall 12 (Oct. 20, 2012)
We will be exploring the science behind making ice cream and learning about the different ways it is made before trying out some experiments of our own. Due to time constraints we will be using liquid nitrogen to freeze the ice cream. Come hungry!