Splash Biography

ZAKARIYA BOUZID, Yale Freshman - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Major: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2028

Picture of Zakariya Bouzid

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Zakariya (Zak) is a California native and long time lover of the outdoors. From a young age, he has enjoyed examining insects, observing birds, climbing trees, and going on hikes with his mom. During middle school, he joined his school's Science Olympiad team and began devoting time to truly understanding the fields of ornithology, oceanography, forestry and more; Now in college, he enjoys birdwatching, leaf collecting, and insect pinning and plans to delve more into researching the relationships between insects and trees. In his spare time, he also enjoys playing the French horn, longboarding, and trying new foods!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C4922: Forest FUNdamentals: The Secrets of Trees in Sprout Fall 2024 (Oct. 05 - 12, 2024)
Do you think you know what a tree is? What it can do? Chances are, you will be surprised as to what our woody friends are truly capable of. Join this course to learn about the structures and strategies that trees use, the mysteries they carry, and how to identify a few along the way.