Splash Biography

ALDEN OKOH-ADUAKO, Enthusiast in CS, medicine, and linguistics

Major: (Prospective) Computer Science

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2028

Picture of Alden Okoh-Aduako

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hey all! I'm Alden, a Yale freshman who's studying computer science and planning to go to medical school. As you might guess from my plans, I love all things STEM, but I also take a great interest in linguistics, public health, and weirder topics like vexillology.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H5051: How (Not) to Fix English Spelling in Splash Spring 2025 (Mar. 02, 2025)
So, you want to reform English spelling. I don't blame you. After all, English spelling is famously confusing. Words like "height", "phlegm", and "psychology" are full of silent letters. "Through", "though", "tough", "cough", and "plough" don't rhyme for some reason. And what's up with the letter C? Why not just replace it with K and S? Clearly, we need a redo. In this class, we'll try to do just that: fix English spelling. And in the process we'll dive into the wonderful field of linguistics. Our journey will take us through English sounds, Latin roots, British dialects, Noah Webster's dictionary, and the Norman Conquest of 1066. We'll use the tools linguists use to describe languages, and we'll analyze spelling reforms of the past. By the end of the hour, we'll have looked at several different ways to "fix" English spelling, and we might even grow an appreciation for English spelling as it is.