Splash Biography

LUCY ZUO, I am a Yale first year studying Architecture

Major: Architecture

College/Employer: Yale

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Lucy Zuo

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am originally from Beijing and studied in New Zealand and the UK during my high school years. I have a wide interest in architecture, Art History, Psychology and Sociology. Passionate about research in the human mind, biomimetic design and the interaction of individuals and their physical/social environment. Strong background in Biology, Art, Mathematics and design.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

E4529: Dynamism: How Can We Portray Movement in Art? in Sprout Spring 2022 (Feb. 19 - Mar. 05, 2022)
By exploring different ways that artists represent dynamism in art — sequential photography, foldable sculptures, figure drawing, geometry, interactive installations — students in this class will expand their creativity by incorporating movement in their own art making. We will experiment with drawing and paper sculpture making in response to a series of video prompts including movement of dancers and creatures.