Splash at Yale Team

is a second-year in Ezra Stiles College majoring in Mechanical Engineering. 
is a second-year in Trumbull College majoring in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and History of Science, Medicine, & Public Health. 


Daniel is a second-year in Berkeley College studying Classics. He miraculously conquered the beast known as the Splash website and is now effectively the flesh and blood of this organization. Like how Atlas holds up the Sky, Daniel is the only person keeping this ship afloat and will be a Splash role model for generations to come. In his daily life, Daniel loves camping out at any coffee shop in New Haven and taking the worst BeReals known to man in the depths of the Sterling Memorial Library stacks.

is a second-year in Davenport College studying History and Education Studies. Aside from Splash, she takes pleasure in cooking new dishes, reading, and binge-watching series at an alarming rate.

is a second-year in Ezra Stiles College studying Statistics & Data Science. She is passionate about disappearing from society when she gets sick every week and skipping meals only to end up going to Walgreens at 12am for cheap midnight snacks (since Gheav is disgustingly expensive). Outside of staying in her room all day, she enjoys making a million Spotify playlists and taking English classes even though she doesn't want to be a poor English major. She can't wait to see the Splashies on campus!

Last modified by hannahqin on Jan. 22, 2024 at 09:36 p.m.